(no subject)

Oct 29, 2005 10:02

A will be amused by this. i saw the ad for the t.o. hanson show in the paper the other day, i had completely forgotten about it. (btw, apparently, ticketmaster still has tickets available. if i had someone to go with and didn't have a 6:30am flight the next day, i would definitely go. there are also hootie tickets for a november 6 show. wah. aileeeeeeen. come to t.o.?)

so what did i dream just before i woke up? my entire i.d. class had to go to the show as like, an assignment or something. and we got there, and the opening band came on, and i knew the song but couldn't figure out who the band was, but they were really good, which surprised me (i just remembered, on the paper ad, there was a little blurb that said "your band can open for hanson! call (#) to learn more!" is that weird? i thought so.) anyway, at this point i woke up, but the song was still playing - my radio had come on with the alarm. it was the new collective soul. in my dream they looked like 20 something emo kids.

anyway, perhaps not so amusing, but there you go. it's been ages since i updated, so i figured i'd better say something.

we were in pittsburg last week, to see fallingwater:

pretty darn cool, actually. i'm not a giant frank lloyd wright fan, but it was neat to be able to go inside the house. i couldn't live there, though, what with the 6.5' ceilings and 2' wide hallways. a little too claustrophobic for my taste.


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