Life O' G

May 12, 2008 14:14

I'm really proud of myself lately. This weekend Adam and I started chipping away at cleaning out my mother's basement. We spent all of Saturday going through stuff, a lot of which either got wet or the mice go into. Blech. Anyway, I threw a bunch out. And I donated an entire carload to the Goodwill and got a $250 tax write off for it. And that was only 1/60 th of the crap down there. By the time I'm done I'll probably be able to claim a couple thousand from the government. I kept one bag and boxful to try and sell on ebay. That's this week's project. Then maybe this weekend when we get back from Adam's sister's graduation we'll clean out some more.

Mother's day was fun. I took my mom to the natural foods store "Harvest Moon" in Woodbury. She has Celiac's disease (can't eat wheat or oat)so she can't eat anything with gluten. So had a field day and was so excited to find gluten free pies and cookies and crackers. I split the grocery bill with her. It felt good to make her so happy. Then we went home and prepared a picnic lunch. My sister came home from college and we all went for a hike at White Memorial on the boarwalk. She had never been there before so I figured she find it exciting. And she did. So yeah Mother's Day, Gina scores 10 points!! WOOO!!

Last night I hung out over Karen's house and we "got crafty". We made some jewelry...I made 2 bracelets (surprise gifts for people), a necklace as a graduation gift for Adam's sister, and a necklace for myself. I wore the last one to work today and got a lot of compliments on it. I want to start beading again to sell to coworkers and on etsy. Karen is my bead-mentor lol because apparently I have terrible taste lol.
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