I'm at the end of Season 7 of Supernatural.
Castiel taking on Sam's burden? While it's true some of that was probably out of guilt, we all know part of him was thinking of only Dean when he did that. That is not even with slash-fan-goggles on, either. That is true blue canon.
Docile!Cas is the cutest. I seriously want all the fanfiction in the world about Dean taking care of Castiel in that state. Almost like a Spike/Drusilla vibe but with more permanent/true love feels. I seriously loved Spike & Drusilla's relationship at the beginning of Buffy, it saddened me when Drusilla betrayed him.
One thing I didn't like, though, was the way Dean was such a dick to Castiel after he woke up. He was not understanding at all about Castiel's plight and was all, "it's your friggin mess, clean it up." While that was true, Castiel was in that docile, not-working-at-full-cylinders state because he wanted to make things right and it pissed me off that Dean either didn't seem to get that or didn't care.
Also, the ending for it was kind of bogus. No way would Castiel leave Dean alone in Purgatory. That HAS to be misleading. I will be seriously pissed if I start watching S8 only to find out that he really did. (That begs the question of how the hell he got out, though.)
I hope everyone's weekend is going well! I know mine is. :)