Rules Post

Jul 15, 2012 17:05

So here's our big ol' rules post. We'd like you to read through them and then follow them, because if you don't, you prompt / fill will be screened and /or deleted.

General Rules

  • There is a zero tolerance policy and prompts and comments containing personal attacks on other community users or individuals, bullying, and hate speech. Members of this community that violate this will been given a waring as well as their comment / prompt being frozen / screened. A second violation will be handled like the first, and a third will result in a ban from the community. Anonymous comments / prompts in violation of the above will be deleted.
  • That being said, if your comment has been screened / frozen for reasons unknown, pm us or leave a comment at the  Mods Post page.
  • Give credit where credit is due. Plagiarism will not be accepted and will result in an immediate ban. Anonymous  plagiarism will be deleted. If you have any questions or concerns about plagiarism, please consult or google.
  • Any kink goes, this includes but is not limited to underaged sex / drinking, real person fiction / slash, waterspotrs, etc.
  • Although this is a kink meme, you can ask for as much fluffly or emotion wrecking angst your little hearts desire.
  • Crossover from other fandoms is allowed.
  • Remember to give back to the meme. We're all billionaire playboy philanthropists here, with a heavy emphasis on the philanthropist bit.

  • If you have nothing nice to say, don't say anything at all is the golden rule. That means, if you see a kink, pairing, etc that you do not like, then keep scrolling (it's one of the many magical things on the internet). This does not mean that a work is free from critical critiquing when asked for.
  • Do not bash characters, pairings, real people (both as individuals and as groups) whether or not they are affiliated with the Avengers, Doctor Who, or Torchwood.
  • Bashing includes name calling, belittling a person / a group / an idea, blatant stereotyping, and statements along the lines of "your kink is not okay".
  • Bashing does not include honest discussions of sensitive topics, disagreeing about a point, fact or opinion and saying so politely.

  • One prompt per comment.
  • Post prompts / fills / comments anonymously or not, what ever you're most comfortable with.
  • Include  trigger warnings when necessary.
  • If your prompt / fill is missing something, be that a pairing, warning, etc, please do not reply to your original comment, repost it in its entirety. Then tell us mods so we can remove the original post.
  • If a comment doesn't have a prompt in it and it was meant for prompting, it will be deleted. This inculdes things like:
We need more mutual masturbation on here! -- Here's why: just saying a kink does not a prompt make. We need a pairing. If you don't have any pairing in mind, use Any/Any.

Reposting Old  Prompts

We do allow reprompting, but please do follow our few rules on it.
  • Only repost prompts from at least two rounds back. This means when we get to round three, you can start reposting prompts from round one and so on as the rounds go.
  • Always link to the original prompt.
  • When reprompting, make a note of it in the subject line.
Format for Prompts

  • Alphabetise the pairing names. This goes for threesome/moresomes. (e.g. Eleven/Jack/Tony)
  • Put [RPF] or [RPS] before real person fiction / slash prompts. (e.g. [RPS] John Barrowman/Scarlett Johansen)
  • No "!" in the paring names, only in the description. (e.g. Loki/The Master sub!Loki dom!The Master)
  • Anyone, everyone, no one? Use "Other" or "Any" (e.g. Hank/Other or Toshiko/Any) 
  • Put [Gen] in front for general / no paring prompts.
  • Use  warnings.
  • For crossover prompts put [Crossover] or [Xover] in front and [Fandom] at the end. (e.g. [Crossover] Loki/Edward, [Fullmetal Alchemist]

  • Please use first names. If there are multiple characters with the same name, then specify within the prompt itself. 

  • Warn for  triggers.
  • Do not embed not safe for work (NSFW) images or videos. Link to them.
  • Don't link to locked material.
  • Post anonymously or not.
  • Fills can be anything you want: art, writing, videos, songs, podfic, etc.
  • Prompts can be filled at anytime, even if they already have a fill or  the round is closed.
  • Multiple fills are encouraged, because why not? it's more to read, right?
  • If you're have a work in progress, post a link to it at the updates at the WIP page.
  • If you've just completed a fill, post a link to it at the complete fill page.
If you have any questions, as always, drop us a comment at the mods page or pm us at  ascoolsuchasi or zipzapshit.

rules post

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