"If You Can Run With The Wolves And Wait Out The Storm"

Apr 10, 2006 18:41

Matt wrote me today... Haven't heard from him since before Christmas, so we're about right at the time when he should be checking in...

Here's his letter (Lauren, mostly you'll see whats funny about this... HA!)

"it is funny when i read a book i can see the words as a movie and yet i can read a letter form any one and i don't see the movie then i have you in my life and i hang on your words and a movie the i would like to see a few time ......... hay how you ??
im still here and still doing what i love . i got a shop out on 260th and mairaden
i work 6 day a week working on cars mostly VW the little one is getting bigger and ill get you some pic all i got are a few weeks old and does him no good .

i like it when i know there some one still out there thinking of me eather good or bad eather way it a good feeling and hell i don't get any of thoes any more but i guess that is life that i have chozen .... " ROADS DO HAVE FOR WAY STOPS " and some times you should look at all roads be for you turn :)-~ and you know i have seen you . and yet you looked past me .... and i know it was you when you turned and walked a way :)-~ a sight i all was loved about you"

???? Is it just me, or does he just NEVER make any sense ????
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