Your Score: House Targaryen
72% Dominant, 54% Extroverted, 63% Trustworthy
Ancient. Noble. Passionate to the point of insanity. Transcending lesser beings, you are of House Targaryen.
You are a dominant personality-in fact, you are the most dominant of all eight house types. You will not suffer yourself to be ignored. You will not suffer yourself to be ruled. The phrase "I will not suffer myself to _____!" was practically made for you. You are willful, arrogant, and exceedingly dangerous to screw with. With a temper like yours, anyone stupid enough to saunter into your line of fire won’t soon forget their mistake.
You are also extroverted, which means that everyone in the world knows exactly what your intentions are. Unlike your cohorts (who hide behind smiles and courtesies and court politics), you think of it as your birthright to come riding in on an enormous dragon, breathing fire and fucking your siblings. Hey, what you lack in subtlty, you make up in style!
Finally, you are trustworthy. Your absurd amounts of power and borderline psychosis are not used unjustly. Unlike many, your general aims are just and true. You we bred for rule, and the fact that you cannot rest until you are doing so is not your fault. If you make up your mind, it becomes reality. Never one for empty threats or vainglorious lies, you can only speak the truth. And the truth is "fire and blood."
Representative characters include: Daenerys Stormborn, Rhaegar Targaryen, and Viserys Targaryen
Similar Houses: Baratheon, Lannister,and Tully
Opposite House: Frey
When playing the game of thrones, you play it to the death.
The Song of Ice and Fire House Test written by
Geeky_Stripper on
OkCupid Free Online Dating, home of the
The Dating Persona Test Your Score: House Tully
45% Dominant, 63% Extroverted, 81% Trustworthy
Dutiful. Affable. Total doormats. The kindest and gentlest of the houses, you are of House Tully.
You are a submissive personality, meaning that ruling is not something that intrigues you. You posses an odd kind of wisdom in knowing that the throne has too many drawbacks; your interests are far more domestic. You are no threat to the ruling powers, but your strong loyalties to hearth and home make you too difficult to be bought--and if you can’t be bought, you’re usually destroyed.
You are also introverted. You don’t enjoy broadcasting your devices and ambitions to the entire world; instead, you prefer to confide in a close-knit support system of friends and family. You’re very talkative with those you trust, and you’re the type of person who will review plans endlessly. Trust from you must be earned, and you’re very cautious around new people. In Westeros, that’s probably a good thing.
Perhaps most notably, you are trustworthy. Once you are connected to someone, you will stick with them, come Hell or high water. Your loyalties run very deep, and you’re definitely not the type to run willy-nilly betraying friends and destroying alliances. Unfortunately, you lack both the physical strength and the cojones to stand up to those who do you wrong. To those seeking power, you’re an obstacle--but a lawn mower doesn’t fear the garden gnome. Lions, dragons, and krakens all eat fish like you for breakfast.
Representative characters include: Catelyn Stark, Edmure Tully, and Brynden "Blackfish" Tully
Similar Houses: Stark, Targaryen, and Tyrell
Opposite House: Greyjoy
When playing the game of thrones, you play it as best you can, even when your best isn’t good enough.
The Song of Ice and Fire House Test written by
Geeky_Stripper on
OkCupid Free Online Dating, home of the
The Dating Persona Test