Jan 27, 2005 21:44
Another fabulous conversation with Gramoz..WOW. We're talking about my Dad btw
gramoz0206 (9:20:28 PM): u told me
gramoz0206 (9:20:37 PM): yea n he liked tea
yankeesSUCK606 (9:20:37 PM): uh ok
yankeesSUCK606 (9:20:40 PM): yea....
gramoz0206 (9:21:39 PM): he said he went crazy when he read about the boston tea party
gramoz0206 (9:21:48 PM): so he became a yankkeee fan
yankeesSUCK606 (9:21:49 PM): uhhhhhh gramoz
yankeesSUCK606 (9:21:56 PM): the boston tea party...yeah 1700s
yankeesSUCK606 (9:22:02 PM): and hes a huge sox fan
yankeesSUCK606 (9:22:05 PM): but ok
gramoz0206 (9:22:42 PM): yea but he was shocked when he read or saw about the boston tea party
yankeesSUCK606 (9:23:06 PM): mmm get you history facts straight you m ake no sense
gramoz0206 (9:23:46 PM): i got an a in history
yankeesSUCK606 (9:23:53 PM): good
yankeesSUCK606 (9:24:05 PM): murds wouldnt show us our midterm grades today hes like find me in the workroom
yankeesSUCK606 (9:24:06 PM): i walsik e fuck you
gramoz0206 (9:24:54 PM): the colonist got mad cause they had a curfew and threw the tea away .....and then they invented foldiers so they could drink coffee
gramoz0206 (9:24:59 PM): or maybe it was a tax
gramoz0206 (9:25:01 PM): i forget
yankeesSUCK606 (9:25:13 PM): no, wrong
yankeesSUCK606 (9:25:19 PM): folgers anyways
yankeesSUCK606 (9:25:34 PM): and they were upset because the british fixed it so it would be cheaper to buy british tea
yankeesSUCK606 (9:25:55 PM): and the colonists got pissed bc they didnt want to help the british so they threw it all in the harbor
yankeesSUCK606 (9:26:19 PM): then the brits got pissed and passed the intolerable/coercive acts..and then the americans got pissed and then shortly after they had a war.
gramoz0206 (9:28:28 PM): no the colonists were mad so they set up discos and made songs that the british wouldnt like like colonist fever.....the british never went there and the colonist help big coffee parties and the british didnt have anythin to drink cause all their tea was in the ocea
gramoz0206 (9:28:29 PM): n
yankeesSUCK606 (9:28:54 PM): hahahahahahahaha
yankeesSUCK606 (9:30:10 PM): youre the man
gramoz0206 (9:31:52 PM): and then the british came up with clubs
yankeesSUCK606 (9:31:59 PM): and
gramoz0206 (9:32:49 PM): and made drank tea
gramoz0206 (9:32:59 PM): but then they got into a little fite
gramoz0206 (9:33:08 PM): and had like a war
gramoz0206 (9:33:24 PM): cause a british guy stepped on some colonist sandle
yankeesSUCK606 (9:33:31 PM): hahahahah
gramoz0206 (9:34:13 PM): n france got mad cause the sandels were made in france so they send in their navy to help
yankeesSUCK606 (9:34:19 PM): haha
yankeesSUCK606 (9:35:31 PM): where are you going with this
gramoz0206 (9:36:44 PM): but then everythin was solved because albania came into the picture and told them that they can get shoe cleaners
gramoz0206 (9:36:52 PM): so now everyone looks up to albania
gramoz0206 (9:36:56 PM): and albanians
yankeesSUCK606 (9:37:04 PM): o obv
gramoz0206 (9:39:53 PM): gtg paula
yankeesSUCK606 (9:39:58 PM): adios
gramoz0206 (9:40:00 PM): my mom needs the compuete
yankeesSUCK606 (9:40:03 PM): thanks for expliaining the history of the US to me
yankeesSUCK606 (9:40:07 PM): im well informed now
gramoz0206 (9:40:09 PM): ok its fine
yankeesSUCK606 (9:40:11 PM): hahaha
gramoz0206 (9:40:17 PM): ur welcome i mean
yankeesSUCK606 (9:40:19 PM): hahah
gramoz0206 signed off at 9:40:24 PM.