This is the post where, If you...
1. Would like a certain event to happen between Rikku and one of your characters
2. Have a specific problem/concern with me you need to address
... comment, please!
>> Comments are screened & anon commenting is on, so don't hold back. Also, there are no specifications regarding when you're allowed to comment or how many times.
>>As a side note, (to make it easier for me) can you please head your thread with what you're discussing? Just so I can keep track.
>>I think I come across as a friendly person, so I hope you all feel comfortable enough to let me know what's up with what I'm doing or contact me with any other purpose in mind.
>>Please note, as well: I am a relatively shy person and I can be pretty awkward, so if I don't initiate a plot don't take it personally. Odds are, I just feel like I'm being a bother.
Personal LJ:
daisytux E-mail: emmabear625@gmail.com
AIM: emmabear625 (I'm honestly never on... unless someone needs me for some reason. Not trying to be old-fashioned, but dropping a PM-either personal or character journal- or e-mail my way are the best options.)
radicality (new, guaranteed way of getting my attention!)