I've head of that game! It's so fun. I think we call it Kings. I'll try to explain it without being to wordy...let me know if you have any questions. This is a fun way to play it....King is category: Pick a category like toothpaste brands and everyone has to think of one (Crest, Colgate, Aquafresh...etc.) Queen is question: Take turns asking random questions that make no sense such as (Are you a lesbian, what color are your undies) If the person laughs or answers they drink. Jack is I Never: Ex. I never masterbate...I've never had sex in public (whoever has done whatever the cardholder states has to drink...it's a good way to find out stuff about people). 10: Sentence (Start a sentence by saying a word and the rest of the circle finishes the sentence...whoever messes up drinks Ex. I..I like...I like to...I like to drink...etc.) 9: bust a rhyme: Start off with a sentence and go around in a circle and ryme it(It's cold in here...I like beer). 8: Person to the right of you drinks. 7: Person to the left of you drinks. 6: Dicks (guys drink) 5: chicks (girls drink)4: to the floor (put your hands on the floor, whoever doesn't drinks) 3: hands to the sky (whoever forgets drinks) 2: You drink Ace: Social (everyone drinks)
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