You Should Vote for Ralph Nader.
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Which presidential candidate should you vote for? i'm just kind of rambling here, but i've been attending this fascinating lectures sponsored by the justice in equity league. it's not so much as i want to go to these, but i have to if i want that old incomplete from last semester erased. ha! but tonight he added onto my requirements, now not only to i have to continue attending the rest of this 6 week video/discussion series, but i have to bring at least 3 people with me every time. now you may think that this is a mediocre task, but people are incredibly conceited. do you think people care about what is really going on in their world today? the united states today is filled with conceited individuals who would rather be satisfied with material possesions and watch their mtv than really see how we're in for a big surprise. we're losing a hopeless war in iraq, bush wants his powerhouses controlling iraq so he can get their oil and in turn hold it over china's head so they don't kick our asses down the road. meanwhile if he's reelected, his plan to surround china with military bases will fall into effect and the imperialism will continue. what's kerrys response? we'll just get more soldiers for other countries to die so it won't hit so hard in the american hearts. it's the lesser of two evils it doesn't matter who's in office, voting is just the first step in the process, not the last.