① 2010年4月,五月天『變形DNA無限放大版』新加坡演唱會,原本應該在The Padang(就是星期五F1表演場地),後來搬到舊國家體育場。那一夜對我們來說永生難忘吧,之後他們每次來新加坡辦演唱會都不忘提到「記得有一次我們來,熱得要死」。他們記得的是在台上熱死了,我記得的是整場演唱會我和朋友的鞋是半浸泡在泥土裡。由於那場戶外演唱會看得太不過癮了,當得知他們將來F1的時候,我就心癢癢想去,好好感受一下在戶外,在星空下看五月天演唱會的感覺。
② 去年9月末,我到戲院看『5月天諾亞方舟』3D演唱會電影。那時候媽媽就覺得身體不適,便到醫院檢查。媽媽生病了。吃藥、休息、複診,重複。醫生說等媽媽身體比較好的時候,要動個小手術。甚麼時候,就得看媽媽的身體狀況。今年8月中,考試成績出爐,我可以畢業了。醫院那也定了,8月底為媽媽開刀。確定9月19日有空後,我上網購票。這一年,以五月天開始,以五月天結束。:)
There was already a short line when I reached at 10.30am. It was so bright and sunny, I was glad that I had brought my umbrella.
Not long after, a group of Chinese fans joined the queue behind me. One of them exclaimed, "誒你看,還穿Stay Real耶!" *rolls eyes* 廢話, what better occasion to wear SR/DM/their previous concert t-shirts than on their concert?
One of the staff walked past us and said, "Hey guys, remember to drink lots of water to keep hydrated, yeah?" I nodded under my umbrella lol, grateful that someone cared.
A Westerner stopped and asked who/what we were queuing for. I just hid under my umbrella and listened to his side of the conversation with someone in the line who bothered to answer him.
"Oh, you gotta queue this early for the fanzone?"
"Ohh, you guys are like their super fans, okay."
For some reason I imagined that his smile reached his eyes which were hiding behind a pair of shades and he had both thumbs up to the person who replied him. I wished I had taken a look at him.
Dark clouds began gathering at around 1pm and suddenly it was raining. Once again I was glad to have brought my umbrella, even though my jeans, socks and shoes were soaked in the end.
Around 2pm the rain had stopped and they moved us to queue in front of the gates. They let us in at 3pm. I got the ear plug + poncho set, then made my way to The Padang. After checking out the fanzone, I asked for directions to the toilet. I changed out of my wet clothes and slapped on another layer of sunscreen. Then I went to the F&B area, bought seafood fried rice and a bottle of coke. Every stall sold beer, which I would not have minded usually, but I had read that drinking beer makes you thirsty and I needed to minimise the number of trips to the loo I make.
Decision #1: nearer or safer
When I entered the fanzone, there were still spaces available nearer to the stage. But I chose to stick to the barricade so I could cling on to for safety in case people behind pushed.
Decision #2: left pit (Monster & Masa) or right pit (Ming & Stone)
I remember after my last Mayday concert I toyed with the idea of going to the left side for a change to get a better view of Monster and Masa. But by the time I returned to the fanzone with food, the left pit was definitely more crowded. So right side again, it was. And boy, best decision ever. Once the concert started, everyone leaned against the barricade whereas I shifted to the right a little and found myself looking straight at Ming, my favourite member. <3 I could see everyone if I tiptoed. My view was awesome. <3
Black drumset ♥
Because I had zero knowledge about car racing, even watching the practice/test-drive was interesting. Initially, at least. There was a helicopter flying in circles providing an aerial view, but 200+km/hr was just too fast; the helicopter camera only caught the cars for a couple of seconds before they disappeared from view around the bend.
I thought this said LKIM. =_=
Around 10pm there was an announcement for us to stand up and move in front. Not long after we smelled cigarette smoke and told the security guards who were patrolling up and down along the barricades. Eventually they found the guy who was smoking and gave him a warning.
01. OAOA
02. 孫悟空
03. 三個傻瓜
04. 賭神
05. 星空
06. 我不願讓你一個人
07. 歪腰
08. DNA
09. 知足
10. 溫柔
11. 入陣曲
12. 傷心的人別聽慢歌
13. 戀愛ING
14. 乾杯
15. 諾亞方舟
16. 軋車
17. 離開地球表面
18. 突然好想你
19. 倔強
- 完全感受到冠佑的鼓。超讚超爽啊!
- 他們都笑得很開心,露齒的笑容,所以我就更開心更嗨。♥_♥
- 謝謝團長大人那句「我知道有很多人從下午開始就在等我們,我有看到」。聽了真的感覺心裡暖暖的。
- 令我糾結的是有幾次好想閉上雙眼感受那音樂,但又不想錯過能夠親眼看見他們的每一分每一秒,所以最後還是睜開雙眼了。^^'
- 首次在新加坡演唱《入陣曲》!終於聽到現場版,爽翻了!
- 第一次那麼用力地唱《倔強》。
這段好像和我星期五晚的心情最貼切了。從去年踏出戲院想著何時才能再去五月天的演唱會,直到當晚,他們站上舞台…… 終於等到了。
石頭:新加坡的朋友們大家晚安!今天非常的興奮。在這邊可以講一點英文嗎?因為除了新加坡的朋友們,還有一些可能從台灣或是內地來的朋友們,但是更多的應該是從世界各地來的朋友們來看這場F1的演出的,對不對?So, uh, we are really excited today, because there's race and they speed up our heart, speed up our tempo. So it's making me ___(?) today, but you know, we are really excited, to see you all. Some of you may not know us Mayday. We are from Taiwan, so please Google us or find us on YouTube. Type M-A-Y-D-A-Y then you will find us. We already translate our lyrics into some subtitles in Japanese or English, hopefully we will translate some into French or Spanish. Alright so, please check us and hope you have a great night. Thank you.
瑪莎:Hello everybody, long time no see ah.很高興又可以來到新加坡跟大家見面。已經好久沒有到新加坡演出,然後希望大家今天晚上都可以玩得開心,然後這幾天也可以聽引擎的聲音聽得很過癮。謝謝大家。