Dec 12, 2003 20:28
[10 Bands You've Seen Live ]
1. Backstreet Boys
2. Britney Spears
3. Black Eyed Peas
4. Justin Timberlake
5. X-Tina
6. . . . . .
7. . . . .
8. . . .
9. . .
10. .
[09 Things You're Looking Forward To]
1. Seeing Alec
2. Winter Break
3. Having friends over and having fun!
4. Feeling better
5. Having him call!
6. Getting a Job
7. Graduating 8th grade
8. finding what highschool i go to
9. see how i do in life
[08 Things You Wear Daily]
1. Bra
2. Underwear
3. Shirt/Tank
4. Pants/Shorts/Skirts/Sqorts
5. My hair in some way
6. My cell is always on me
7. a frown orrrr
8. a smile!
[07 Things That Annoy You]
1. parents yapping becuase they want to talk to you bout something, and then u get it the first time even though it doesnt seem like you are listening, even though you are, so they are repeating themselves like 12 times before you yell at them. and after you yell at them, you get introuble
2. how alec is always busy. i feel pushed away and like he is doing it on purpose. always have something to do. i feel lonely and now that im sick, i cant do anything.. even though im the one sick, ITS NOT MY FULL PART WE CANT KISS FOR ANOTHER MONTH!
3. garrett trying to be funny
4. being sick!
5. myself
6. being home when i want to be at school, being at school when i want to be home
7. my sister
[06 Things You Touch Every Day]
1. light switch
2. locker knob (week days)
3. computer
4. door knob
5. my hair
6. pencils?
[05 Things You Do Every Day]
1. Wake up
2. Go on computer
3. Take showers
4. Eat and Eat
5. Watching TV/Listen to music
[04 People You'd Want to Spend More Time or Hang out With]
1. Caitlin, STacy, Twins
2. Alec, Andrew
3. Shawna, Alix
[03 Movies You Could Watch Over and Over]
1. Life as a House
2. Good Burger
3. Finding Nemo!
[02 Of Your Favorite Songs At This Moment]
1. Clocks- Coldplay
2. There There/ How to dissapear completely- Radiohead
[01 Person You Could Spend the Rest of Your Life With]
1. this is a hard one.. :-/