thump. thump. thump. *a girl screams because my heart lays next to her, pumping away*

Nov 17, 2003 02:21

Wow…My heart is seriously somewhere amongst “I- Building” at the moment running into walls and spewing blood into people’s faces (or just maybe jumping onto people’s bedsides and laying on their pillows). I made the mistake of making some real strong coffee before I submerged into my Computer Science notes (exam tomorrow) and at the moment I’m regretting doing such a thing because I really didn’t need the caffeine. Usually people take up a cup of Joe when the material is boring or they need a pick- me up, however, neither of those factored in my decision and now I feel like my heart is about to pop; and I feel like I’m processing information in quite a speedy fashion: Data Structures, Data Types, Trees, Natural Languages/Processing, Programming Languages/Processing, Optimization, Decisions, Parallel Processing, Interaction B/w Live and Synthetic Agents….
I must come down from the caffeine high. I didn’t think it was possible. I think it has something to do with that Verona coffee my sister gave me from Starbucks. I think it’s the additive ,fairy dust, they place in all their coffee to get all who consume it, addicted. I’m still in the process of figuring our this urban myth. I’ve seen first hand how customers react when they don't get their coffee for one reason or another, the aftermath is riotous. What do you think Hurricane Andrew was all about? Yes, people not getting there damn coffee.

The comic book, for my rhetoric, class is coming along. I’m not confident in the image work that I put into its final version. I think that with more time I could have had better image development. However, it being a “rhetoric” class and the short time frame that was given, I made it mostly about the story and the effectiveness of the user interface and usability. Mine is about the right click option one must do to “hide” Clippit, the paper clip all the MS. Office 97 and above, and how people don’t know how to hide him and tend to get mad and super fed up with it being on the screen so they use notepad and WordPad instead. However my book is more story based and less technical (think toy story…that’s what the roomies keep telling me). I e-mailed my professor with an update on the project (well it was mandatory) and he proceed to complement me out of the blue: “I love your work. It's always been the highlight of a lot of our grading sessions” In a world of so many downs, this kind of complement really makes a dork’s day.

I’m also working on a website at the moment and that is also coming along gradually. The problem with this little gem is that it was suppose to be a group effort. But, when the people in charge put 250+ people in groups of four, based on this self evalutation test we took at the beginning of the class , they decided to place one person who had an idea or two about web design with three other people that had no clue(seriously happen in almost every group I’ve spoken to). I got stuck with three people that I think are cool, one is always wanting to help, and is always at the meeting we put together but sadly doesn’t know much about web design. However, the guy is mad chill and likes to have a clove or two with me after COP 2500 lab; cool guy. The other two have jobs and have to pick up their grandparents all the time from the airport ( I don’t know, that was one of the guy’s excuses last week). It’s all ok though because it’s always expected when you get in groups. I just hope as I get into more upper level classes this sort of thing is nonexistent.

Well so many shows missed this week because of the need to finish all these little things but today I saw a bumper sticker that I liked a lot : “Take one Show at a Time.” Hey, I’m down with that philosophy. And another little quote for the masses I thought was significant and I shall place into immediate effect:You can't change the PAST, but you can ruin a perfectly good PRESENT by worrying about the FUTURE!
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