Today's Match-Up: Trudeau vs The Internet

Aug 11, 2008 07:41


Pierre Trudeau vs The Internet (our global computer network, providing nerds with entertainment and porn since 1988)

Today we see the Current Events/Cultural Icons champion Pierre Elliot Trudeau matched against the most revolutionary piece of information technology since the telephone: the first or our Elite Four, the Internet (or as I like to refer to it, the Innertubes). Who will win in this no-holds-barred grudge-match? VOTE NOW!

The Internet (14 votes)
Pierre Trudeau (7 votes)

The first of the Elite Four takes the first of the Bracket finals and moves on to the Boss Semi-Finals next week. Does the Internet have it in it to achieve Boss-dome? An Elite Four has won Boss before, and the Internet is a pretty tough cookie...

Featured commentary:
The future versus the past.

The possibility of the collective knowledge and labor of humanity working without boundaries versus a Canadian leader of modest accomplishment.

Arguably the greatest of all human accomplishments versus somebody who had some, albeit serious, obstacles to overcome in his term.

If Trudeau wins, I'll shoot this kitten. - outragedkodiak

trudeau, internet

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