The Golden Girls vs
Guitar Hero I'm not even sure how this fight would even happen, but I think it's still pretty damn funny. VOTE NOW!
The Golden Girls (8 votes)
Guitar Hero (6 votes)
A very close race. In the end, the Golden Girls managed to squeek by, but until those last two votes, this was anyone's match.
Featured commentary:
Ever seen one of those medicine bottles with easy-open arthritis friendly caps? The suckers are huge! Consider the scaling up from a regular bottle just to get there. Now consider that guitar hero's guitar is a scaled down version. So, if the amount of pain caused by the arthritis is inversely proportional to the re-scaling of the original object, the pain from trying guitar hero will be so intense their hands will fall off. And they'll die. From a bunch of squirrels, wolves, pigeons, and one wolverine. Because the animal kingdom is just waiting for us to lose access to our opposable thumbs before they make their move. Also, animals love rock n' roll and video games, and they want their turn, dammit. -