Today's Match-Up: The US Postal Service vs Juno

May 16, 2008 07:09


The United States Postal Service vs Juno

Ancient Roman goddess vs modern civil service branch? VOTE NOW, baby!

Juno (13 votes)
The United States Postal Service (4 votes)

Juno continues on her path to the top, stepping over the bodies of countless US postal workers on her way to the position of Boss.

Features commentary:
Well, on the one hand, Juno has destroyed whole nations with plague and fire for minor annoyances.

On the other hand, the US Postal Service are very good at unloading minor annoyances on people.

Wait, that's not a one hand/other hand thing. That's a direct cause-and-effect. Oh, crap, the US Postal Service is going to lose Juno's new Golden Apple Of The Month Club package, and she'll...

Ooh. I think she did. I see a lot of smoke rising from around the U.S.

Juno for the win. - ecchs

us post, hera

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