Today's Match-Up: The Grateful Dead vs The Evil Dead

Apr 11, 2008 08:51


The Grateful Dead (psychedelic rock band of the 1960s, fronted by the late Jerry Garcia) vs The Evil Dead (Sumerian-demon-possessed corpses, trees, inanimate objects, people, etc...)

Now this is a fight that I would like to see. Today's match pits two cult favorites against one another. Which will win: Jerry Garcia's Egyptian Book of the Dead-inspired band, or Sam Rami's cult '80s and '90s horror movie monsters? VOTE NOW!

The Evil Dead (16 votes)
The Grateful Dead (4 votes)

The new G vs E ends with the victory of the Evil Dead. The Grateful Dead did, however, garner more support than I was expecting, so on the whole I would call this a successful match. Ed, if you're reading this, this battle was dedicated to you.

Featured commentary:
See equation:
Grateful Dead=music
music=the food of love
(apply rule 'you are what you eat')
therefore music=love
(apply rule 'love conquers all')
therefore Grateful Dead totally kicks Evil Dead's Deadbeat ass.

And so as all good books tell us, Evil puts a good fight. A great fight. We even think for a second there that they are going to win. But as this is a fight to the DEATH (and yes, I am ignoring that both contestants are already DEAD) I'm going to have to go with this is the war, not the battle, and so love wins.

Grateful for the win! - gypsie_jenny

evil dead, grateful dead

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