Sep 25, 2005 08:49
So we had our first football game yesterday against Amherst and lost 28-3... not only did we lose, a lot of people didn't get play time that they should of. Needless to say, a lot of people were pissed, so the team went and partied. My friend Alex however, partied a little too hard. He got back to his room, couldn't really speak, couldn't really stand, and looked like he got hit by a truck. Things only got worse from there when myself and a couple other friends were taking care of him, he couldn't drink water, couldn't sit up, and eventually became unresposive. I called the EMTs, they came, and Alex went to the hospital. My friend Divij went with him in the ambulance and state law apparently only lets one passenger ride. So Andrew, Jim, and I called around and found a cab to take us to the hospital. We spent a couple hours there, then Andrew and I came back to campus upon which Jim called and said the blood tests came back. Alex was .27 and would have died if we hadn't gotten help. He came back from the hospital about 7:30 this morning, is still drunk now, and now has to deal with his football coach and a $1000 hospital bill. Now it all just seems surreal, but I'm glad I did the right thing...