Jul 03, 2005 15:31
I see: a can of hawaiian punch
I need: to shower
I find: that I feel more attractive when I am in the presence of gentlemen.
I want: to get back on a jet-ski, mayne
I have: sand in my swimsuit
I wish: I was back on the jet-ski
I love: hugs
I hate: my neighbor's 4th of july party
I miss: bama
I fear: never leaving wisconsin
I feel: dirty
I hear: pedro the lion and my sister crying
I smell: fruit punch
I crave: beach + jet ski
I search: for a purpose
I wonder: why my boobs won't even out after all these years
I regret: nothing
When was the last time you...
Smiled?: 2 seconds ago
Laughed?: when I walked over to the Podewils house and saw my dad with that glazed-over look in his eyes
Cried?: a few days ago after I found out someone was moving
Bought something?: this morning
Danced?: this morning while I was getting ready to go to the beach
Were sarcastic?: when I was talking to my brother like a minute ago
Kissed someone?: whew what kind of kiss?
Talked to an ex?: before I moved I said one last goodbye to Robert Aaron Ward :(
Watched your favorite movie?: I watched beauty and the beast the other night with angie!
Had a nightmare?: last night
A Last time for everything...
Last book you read: "How to Run a Restaurant for Dummies" LOL!
Last movie you saw; war of the worlds...scary as heeeell....don't go see it.
Last song you heard: "Your body is a weapon and you're afraid it could get out" (head automatica ROFL!)
Last thing you had to drink: Hawaiian punch
Last time you showered: this morning
Last thing you ate: a cheeto
Do You...
Smoke?: noooooooooooo
Do drugs?: not regularly
Have sex?: not regularly
Sleep with a stuffed animal?: no, I sleep with my cabbage patch kid Adell Yyvonne
Live in the moment? yes
Have a boyfriend/girlfriend?: no
Have a dream that keeps coming back?: kinda
Play an instrument?: clarinet, try to play the geetar
Believe there is life on other planets?: of course
Remember your first love?: haven't had one yet@@@ur907t39075t9
Still love him/her?:
Read the newspaper?: occassionally
Have any gay or lesbian friends?: haha yes sir! 1 of them is a livejournal friend <3
Believe in miracles?: yes
Believe it's possible to remain faithful forever?: yesssssss
Consider yourself tolerant of others?: meh......if I really really like them. otherwise, no.
Consider love a mistake?: it's been my experience that anyone you love will one day leave you or severly hurt you, but that feeling of LOVE is remarkable. (I'm talking family and friends here, guys. I don't know shiat about guy/girl love)
Like the taste of alcohol?: <3 malibu <3 jack daniels <3 beeeeeeeer! <3
Have a favorite candy?: twix
Believe in astrology?: yes
Believe in magic?: yes
Believe in God?: meh
Pray?: only when something real bad is about to happen and I know I have no control over it. :X
Go to church?: no
Have any secrets?: yes sir
Have any pets: fuck it all I have 3 dogs. I miss sweetie though :(
Do well in school? meh
Go to or plan to go to college?: I plan on attending college one of these days
Have a major?: businessssssss/hospitality
Talk to strangers who instant message you?: I ask who they are. Lately I've been getting weird IM's from MySpacers so I'm taking my s/n out. I only put it there so long lost kids could find me (like Brian and Katelyn!)
Wear hats?: I look retarded in hats
Have any piercings?: 1 hole in each ear
Have any tattoos?: no
Hate yourself?: when I take my anger out on people who don't deserve it :/
Have an obsession?: AIM, LJ, and MySpace
Have a secret crush?: yessssss
Do they know yet?: no ma'am.
Collect anything?: myspace friends haha
Have a best friend?: I have a few scattered throughout this country <333
Wish on stars?: every chance I get, mayne
Like your handwriting?: I like my cursive
Have any bad habits?: I pick my nose a lot. and I sometimes bite my fingernails. and I listen to music in the shower real loud so I can dance about as I bathe. and I only return phonecalls to my most favorite people. and if you give me the chance, I will clean your room/bathroom/kitchen/basement. I talk too loud. When I get drunk I sometimes smoke :X. I say things I don't mean. I lie sometimes. I hate on other people just by looking at them. I make fun of people all the time. I can dish it out but I can't take it. I get pissed when I don't get my way. Sometimes I throw fits. I say really mean/catty things when I shouldn't. I have a smart mouth. When I get drunk off JD, my southern accent comes out like WOAH. I like to do things for myself...probably more so than I should. Sometimes I blow people off just so I can hang out with mahself. You wouldn't know it to look at me, but I have an anger management issue like WOAH. I throw things when I get mad. I chew on the inside of my cheek when I get nervous. I play with my bangs when I am nervous. I drive like a grandma and I yelp when sudden changes occur out on the road.
Care about looks?: sure
Boy/girlfriend's looks?: looks are important initially, no matter what you people say. Personality is and should be first, but it's all about first impressions, people.
Friends and other people?: I don't currrrr
Believe in witches?: yes
~*Jaimie Lee*~
I spilled my liquor and my buzz is gone
and that stroll ain't easy