
Jan 08, 2005 22:49

Are you emotional: kinda, am i emotional in a ridgid lack of emotion at times?
Do songs make you cry? yup, "i'm dieing now, don't write me" by love 2 burn and "stay positive" by mike skinner
What about movies: not so much
What emotion do you usually feel: pain and isolation, not anymore i'm thinking though

What does it take to make you cry your heart out: being wrong and disapointed, i don't put myself on the emotional line very often i usually keep things to myself but i hate makiing the mistake of trusting people, i trust one person though.
How many times have you done that: too many
Where do you cry: generally alone
Do you hate crying: better then the numb cold feeling
Do you like it when others cry: generally no, but somtimes i'd rather they cry then not care, that hurts.
Do you think tears make eyes look pretty: hmmm, never really thought about it
Who looks good when they cry: Actors.
How else do you express sadness: i shut up again, i stop talking and go back to my utter solitude
Are you sad all the time: was

What does it take to make you mad: hmmmmm, define mad
What do you do when you're angry: really angry?, better not find out.
How short is your temper: its short for me to make sum1 leave me alone, reletivly long for me to hate them.
How long does it take you to calm down: if i'm really angry long enough for me to pass out or kill them (i perfer to pass out)
What's the worst thing you've done when you were mad: not getting into it
Do you freak out when others are angry: its uncomfortable for me when people are mad at eachother infront of me or with me related or sumthing but i'm pretty used to people being angry at me
Has anyone ever recommended anger management to you: no.
What's the worst thing someone's done to make you mad: tried to stab me
Do you anger people: i rarely insight things, i usually have to be angry before getting the other person angry

How often are you happy: when i think of savannah, and when i skate now-a-days
What makes you happy: techno, savannah, skating, and little funny things i come across in life
What do you do when you're happy: The Happy Dance, it has specific steps and is very complicated
How optimistic are you: ha!
Do happy people make you mad: when i don't like there reasons to be
What's the worst thing someone can do while they're happy: rubing it in everyones face
Ever been so happy you were dying to tell everyone: like today?
Ever been so happy you've cried: like today?
Do you smile a lot: i think i'm going to start
Kiss people a lot: hmmm, odd question
Who really makes you happy: savannah
Do you like doing things for people when you're happy: sure

What do you do when you're scared: stare strait forward until fear leads to anger, or until i break down and cry, depends on the fear
What scares you: right now? to not be able to do the things that make me happy or see the people that make me happy
Do you like scaring people: oh yes, very much
Do you like the thrill of being frightened: skating is me testing myself beyond my abilities and putting my life in my hands, so i guess so
Does fear accompany anger in your case: in a few tenses
Ever been so scared you couldn't breathe: its a survival tactic that kicks in, i find it usefull
How often do you panic: nope, don't panic real often, or at all, i can't think of an occasion where i have
What's the one thing that scared you more than anything else EVER: probly when the doctor said there was a 50 percent chance i would never regain feeling in my right arm and that might lewad to amputation, that scared the shit outa me
Do roller coasters scare you: nope, i'v ridden to many, they'v kinda lost their kick

The Strongest Emotion
What song never fails to get your strongest emotions going: hmmmm depends, defferent songs for different emotions
Movie: princess monenoke
Commercial: st. judes?
Person: savannah
Thing: the feel of sharp steel
Sight: war, in any tense
Sound: a gun
Food: eh?
Thing you're looking forward to/want: monday believe it or not, some1 knows y

What do you do when...?
The emotion sucks: cry
The emotion rocks: don't cry
There's no emotion: i love calm, so it would be its own emotion

Would you rather...?
Never feel again: ask me last week i would have said yes, but i'v changed my mind
Feel loneliness or anger for the rest of your life: well, could this anger be avenged?
Be happy forever and never experience bad times: that would be great if u could figure it out
Cause misery or feel misery: hmmmm i like revenge, if i feel no pitty for the people i would thrust misery upon then the former
Be alone or with everyone you know: everyone i know, because i'v gotten really good at feeling utterly alone in a room ful of people

Cheers you up more than anyone else: savannah did
Angers you more than anyone else: killed them all *smiles*
Scares you more than anyone else: those i fear or those i fear for?
Makes you think about your emotions more than anyone else: savannah
Makes you really care about how they feel and what they think: if i care about them then wouldnt the rest follow?
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