My new tattoo

May 11, 2007 07:03

Well, I decided on September that I was gonna get a tattoo of cherry blossoms on me, after my friend passed away. The day they found his body he was supposed to be leaving for japan to start his animation career. In his funeral booklet there was a quote. "Life is like a cherry blossom beautiful and brief" and I took that quote and turned it into a picture, memorial for him. Its kinda ironic. But there is one song that follows me when im doing something for him. When I found out he died it played, when I went into the lake they found his body in it played, and when I was getting a tattoo for him it came on. If everyone cared- nickelback. So its a sign that hes hopefully happy with what I'm doing.

Just after this the song started to play.

This is the tattoo my mom got, it was her mothers day present.

And my brother got his ear pierced for the first time. His b-day present from me.

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