Today was a good day. Went a full day of school today. Didn't skip like SOMEONE I know! haha j/k. I get my hair done tomorrow. I REALLY hope she has the colors I want for my hair. If not I'll have to come back and do it again some other time when she gets them. I'd show you the photo of what colors I want but its like 1 something in the morning and I'm tired as hell.
Work today was good. My manager is seeing the GREAT job I'm doing which is a plus. I didn't get caught for my shoes yet (hope I didn't jinx myself) since I wear slippers. So many customers were nice to me today instead of assholes. This really nice old man came up just to talk. He was SO adorable. and than when the store was closing this black guy was walking to the mall entrance right as it closed and looked at me like, COME ON! and I was like, "do you want me to get them to open it for you?" and he was pointing to his ears he couldn't hear since he was deaf...
I was like, ok, hold on one sec. I get the security guard to open the entrance and he signs to me, "thank you" and I sign to him, "your welcome" and he gets all excited that I know sign. "you know sign?" "alittle", "Do you work tomorrow?" and stupid me says yes b/c I was trying to understand his fast signing and than I was like, "no, Thursday" (but than I signed tues.) I kept feeling stupid. I was trying to remember what the sign for "I'm retarded" was but I just signed "I forgot" instead. Than he asked my name and was like what time do you work? I signed to him 6 at first which was true, than 9 which I was hesistant. aww.. he made my day. I think he thought that I was the ONLY one who understood him. but dude.. if he comes back.. its gonna be akward signing since thats so 2 years ago. haha
I have just a couple more weeks till I'm outta town for Thanksgiving. I'm excited.. The last time I flew was w/ Erin and Teresa from Miami to Tampa to Jacksonville. Last time I flew up north was when I was in 5th grade to Lancaster, PA. I'm gonna see SNOW! for the first time instead of powder when it did it in '89. Long time ago. I bought earmuffs/gloves/CLOTHES!/shoes and I think Cory ordered me crap outta a magazine which I'm like "AWESOME"!
DUDE, I just heard what happened to Ashlee Simpson on SNL. Ok I didn't really like her in the 1st place but to blame your band for something they didn't do and for her stupid mistakes PISSES me off. What a fucker! She's ugly too, Not that I'm any prettier but good GOD! What a bitch! Her band is hhhhhOOOOootttttt! HAHA SNL also put it on their website to see. I laughed hard when I saw her dancing like a fucking monkey. See it. funny ass shit. Later skanks.