OH what a day...

May 27, 2004 11:42

So.. I just got home from Job interveiws.. they didn't last very long today. I went up to AOL b/c my friend Kevin works there and told me to work there, so he helped me apply today and when I filled everything out, they said they're only hiring for Sales Repersentives and since I don't have 6 months background in sales.. I'll have to come back later till they have Customer Services opened up again. So the lady saved me from 2 hours of bull shit.

If anyone has any good ideas of where to work.. hook a sista up b/c I'm about to say fuck it and go to Hooters! haha I'm exhusted of job hunting. It's tiring! I just want a business job, NO FOOD! (I got enough of that in school w/ food prod.). Well I'm here if anyone wants to do anything.. coughcoughjenninickysarahshawnanyonecoughcough

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