. . . .

Oct 13, 2004 13:43

My internet and phone was cut off last night. But surprisingly its up today already. So here I am waiting for my straightening iron to heat up so I can get ready and head to Matt's house.

I went to Matt's yesterday around 5:30 and we worked our way over to Fuel for the philosophy slam that was going on that night. We walked in a nice pretty park near the river and drove around alot of big ass houses. 2 of my nails broke. Wah. So we go to Fuel and I tell Matt it's a gay coffee shop LOL and he like freaks out but he was alright haha. I told him alot of straight people go there too you know. So anyway we are listening to the speaker and these people move and we get this soft little couch seat thing and we watch it. It was pretty interesting and the crowd was interactive and shit like that. Matt really liked it, more than I did because he likes all that type of stuff and we talked about it on the ride home. And we were talking about how T.V. may not cause you happiness forever but it can cause "in the moment" happiness and the example Matt gave to me was us watching Adult Swim together everynight makes him happy. I was like :D ahha. We stopped by an Arbys (its like, our place haha) and we ate and talked about religion and shit like that I don't know how we got on to it. But whatever we have A LOT of the same views which is really good. We went back to his house. Watched some tv and I went home.

I went over his house today after school for 5 minutes and I'm about to leave to go back over there. We both needed showers and wanted to change and such. We are going to rent The Matrix. I've never seen it and he wants us to watch it together so we'll do what and whatever else.

I have fucking cramps and it sucks haha. I don't want to be around a boy when I am on my period because I'm like rawrawrbitchcrywahwah. LOL.

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