Feb 05, 2003 04:39
OK. I have horrible insomnia again. Perhaps it's the tiramisu I had for dinner and the 20oz coffee I had earlier . . . or maybe it's my medication . . . or just pure mania.
Oh, well.
Anyway, got back from a "first date" with this guy I met the other week. Had a good time: plenty to talk about, sweet guy, etc. Had dessert at a local cafe and hung out a bit at my place. Takin' it slow . . . which is good because I've been accused by several people of being a hoe. (Ha! Well, only in jest.) Not really thinking much of it or taking it all too seriously. I say this now and i mean it. Nonetheless, this is yet another fine example of my potentially entering into a situation destined for failure because of "inappropriate circumstances." I'm such a fucking open book. Anyway, the guy is 1) totally in love with his best friend but that's not panning out right now (very complicated scenario) and 2)SO FUCKING YOUNG!!! (Although I've often have had an affinity for younger guys.)I've mentioned this to only a few close friends and some reading this now will (I'm sure) take the opportunity to tease me ad infinitum. Go for it. Please!
How old is he? . . . or, rather, how young? 22 !!!
Well. What the fuck. I'm bored and this should (at least)prove to be interesting.
Also just thought about something: There are two women out there who are the bane of my existence . . . both are with men who are significantly younger (an 11 year difference and a 13 year age difference, respectively).
If you can't beat 'em join 'em.