permissions granted and withheld

Nov 28, 2029 17:27

A permissions post. I figure I'd better. In general I'm a permissive sorta player but if you want to know anything in particular, here it is.

Backtagging: Depends. If it was pages ago, I'd rather not, if it was just a little while ago, sure. And if we were having an amazing thread and we had to stop, do let me know if you'd like to carry on, of course. (I'm more than willing to thread privately or in the DR, if that's what you'd like, too.)
Threadjacking: Certainly. Unless it's a very serious thread and you come in with something ludicrous, but in general, threadjacking is fine.
Offensive subjects: Don't bring up anything terribly gruesome, tactless or vulgar, stay away from bizarre kinks, try to be delicate with historical matters, and we're fine. Use your best judgement. I'm uncomfortable with non-con and similar, so that's a topic to be discussed with me first or left out. (Sex, swearing, violence, most of your average 'offensive' things, that's all cool.)

For the character:

Hugging: Sure. Unless you're a total creep that he hates but how many of those are there, really? He'll hug you if you like. Not with enthusiasm, but y'know.
Kissing: His paramours may do so at their leisure, others are welcome to try. As with hugging, if you really want one, he'll kiss you on the cheek. He kisses people's hands all the time anyway. Lips...well, depends who you are, but he won't complain too much, I promise.
Flirting: Have at it. He's guilty of it anyway.
Sex: He's up for it. I confess I'm hesitant to smut with anons, and I won't let him get it on with just any character, but he is available (despite being taken).
Fighting: Best if we plan for serious fights, but for silly ones, sure. Just try not to let that go on too long.
Injuries: Ask me. If it's in the midst of a serious event, it's one thing, but I'm not into serious death-and-injury plots otherwise. And I don't take well to godmodding outside of events.
Murder or otherwise bringing about his death: No. Not unless you can make it unbelievably hilarious.
Other abusive behaviour: The rageanons that yell at him are fabulous and amuse me greatly, and general abuse is fine. So is making him do embarrassing things. If I'm uncomfortable I'll tell you; generally if it's funny it's fine, if it's serious I might back off. Sexual advances from your character when mine is not reciprocating are not cool unless they're expected, e.g. France.
Telepathy/mind-reading: Mind-reading anons can go for it, but that schtick gets old fast so keep it to throwaway threads, not serious ones. A psychic character gets more leeway.
My ships: I thought I'd include this just to let people know where I stand re: their characters. Primarily, this muse is involved with a female Prussia. Outside of that, my preferences include Germany, male Prussia, Spain, Belarus and Belgium. For other characters, he's open to a lot of things, but I draw the line at countries that have like nothing to do with him. Feel free to ask me about this kind of thing at any time, on meme or twitter or something.

And that's it. I'm always around if you want to ask anything at all.

permissions, ooc

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