Captain Hector Barbossa: A Swoon

May 23, 2011 18:47

So, one of my fandoms is POTC and though I’m no longer active in it, I still love the series, ESPECIALLY the Pirate Lord of the Caspian Sea, BARBOSSA. And since seeing On Stranger Tides twice since it came out, I just feel like having a little bit of a swwwwwooooooonnnnn about why this character is really so fucking awesome.

Contrasted against both Davy Jones and Blackbeard, I feel Barbossa truly stands out as the most menacing villain and pirate. Blackbeard has little complexity or depth to him and Jones was both too gimmicky and too whiny. Barbossa demonstrates a great deal of depth and complexity - from his affection for his pet monkey to his pride to his desire to return to human feeling to his not-altogether-clear alleigances. He’s out for himself, but is not beyond - if not kindness, then a sort of sense of fairplay. His curse was not truly a gimmick as it was what compelled him as a character and without the curse he remains an intriguing, mysterious and powerful character. He’s also devoid of self-pity. He hates his curse and yearns to be rid of it, but doesn’t wallow in that. 
Barbossa is also fearless in a way few mortal men can be, even after the curse has been lifted. Any sneaky action he takes is in strategy rather than fear - poisoning Blackbeard, for example, for he went headlong into that fight prior to that and also did not stab Blackbeard in the back when he could but faced him. Additionally, he cut off his own leg rather than let another control his destiny (HOLY SHIT). And in all battles, once he has committed to them, he is in them absolutely wholeheartedly and with a great deal of passion - enjoying them, revelling in them even. 
He’s also a fucking GOOD CAPTAIN. Both Jones & Blackbeard relied on brutal intimidation for compliance from their crew and while Barbossa certainly couldn’t be deemed a kind or understanding Captain and was ruthless in his use of his crew and the manner he treats them, he can also compel them through simple authority, without falling back on violence (although he can do, when necessary). His men listen to them because they fear and respect him because of the strength of his personality and character. BUT he can also rouse them up, inspire them through the words he speaks - he does this in Curse, in AWE & Tides - summon them into camaraderie, union and willingness to act. Finally, he’s wise enough to know when to give them a little rope to have fun. All of these things means that he’s the best Captain of the bunch, for without powers he controls his crew - whoever they are - totally - whether through bringing them together or intimidating them.
Barbossa also believes absolutely in his freedom and puts the hardwork into that. He values it. Values everything he’s fought for and the fact that he fought for it. He’s a pirate, through and through, and loves it. And true to that piratey nature, he’s tricky - manipulative, can cheat, decieve, utilise resources to his own end - but is never truly feigning what he is. He exploits the weaknesses of others. He’s also not shy of hard work. Despite losing his leg, he fights as hard as any of them - harder, even, for balancing on a crutch and maintaining his skills as a swordsman (I think he ranked second, behind Will & ahead of Jack), keeping up with everyone over rough terrain and so on would be both difficult and painful - AND stays ahead of his men. He doesn’t ask that they make it easier for him, but maintains control of his destiny and his pride by keeping up - hell by getting ahead. He fucking scaled that cliff with that fucking missing leg!!!! Even though he IS the OLDEST pirate out of them all, including Blackbeard (I think) - he’s also the fucking TOUGHEST!
Plus Barbossa has a wealth of knowledge behind him - practical, strategic, intellectual and arcane. Which is all hinted at, demonstrated a little - but never fully explored or shown off. Which sucks. I’m actually really tired of Jack Sparrow and I think Barbossa is a foil to Jack and works best without being the focus of the whole film, but he needs more. He needs to be given more due.

Also, whilst Barbossa doesn’t succumb to emotion, he experiences them quite strongly. He downplays what he goes through, unlike Jack. Like how he stands with his back coldly to Calypso as she is taken to the brig, but it is because his heart has been pierced ice cold with fear at the thought he may return to a life without feeling. Likewise, his vengeance on Blackbeard is uttered by his own mouth as “for the Pearl” - Jack’s devotion to the ship is openly displayed but Barbossa’s runs just as deep and sincere, simply is expressed in different ways. Barbossa is also more able to adapt to changing circumstances and accepted the Pearl was lost.  Barbossa is ruthless, of course, and does what needs to be done, seeming to maintain no true friendships - but he does not seem beyond emotion. It’s just discriminately given. This adds to his depth as a character.

Barbossa is absolutely the quintessential pirate in these films, in so many ways. He is full of pride and ego and actually has the prestige to back him up - dubbed the last true pirate threat in the Caribbean, sailed for twenty years as a Captain, explored the whole world and beyond - fearsome, none of his crew dare challenge him, even when they are immortal - slayer of Blackbeard, a brilliant swordsman and ruthless strategist and powerful leader. But also fully invested in the glory of the piratical spirit, devoted to hedonism, freedom, independence and the pursuit of his own destiny. He has his own unique (and shady) sense of honour, tough and rugged and wordly beyond all concept (I get the sense only Captain Teague can match him for this. I suppose, theoretically, Jones is supposed to as well but he was such a whinger and hard to take seriously he never seemed seasoned), intelligent, insightful, brave and reckless but canny enough to reign in when necessary but never shy of a full-on fight. And skilled, so skilled, and menacing and sinister and seasoned.

The only way in which Barbossa is not given full due as a pirate is that he’s never given time to be seen wooing or making merry with bawdy wenches. But then, neither is Blackbeard or Teague or Jones or the other pirates, besides Jack. I think, in his youth, Barbossa was as charming as Jack, easily (though in a different manner) and I’m pretty sure he’s stll got it, too… I just wish they’d show us. He’s definitely not conventionally attractive, by a long shot, but he’s so charming, clever, ferocious and powerful that it doesn’t matter. He’s still compelling.

Sigh, well… I think that’s it for now. It has been so enjoyable to remind myself why I adore this character and think he outstrips Jack and, indeed, all the other Pirates in the franchise, in sheer feckin’ awesomeness.

I’m sure I could turn this into a really long, detailed, heavily referenced meta essay if I wanted, but I’m not sure I have the stamina right no
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