Title: The Last Rose of Summer: Parts X - XII
http://whoreoftortuga.livejournal.com/34342.html Notes: A Sequel to
The Briar and The Rose Author: Whore of Tortuga
Timeline: A few months after the end of At World's End. Two years after the epilogue of The Briar and The Rose. (In my mind, all that sea voyaging takes a more realistic amount of time than it seems to in the films)
Rating: NC17
Warnings: Sexual scenes and references, language
Characters: Hector Barbossa, Evie, brief appearances of Ragetti, Pintel, Murtogg, Mullroy, Jack Sparrow
Pairing: Barbossa/OFC
Disclaimer: Barbossa, Pirates of the Caribbean and all affiliated creations are the copyrighted trademark of Walt Disney Co. No profit is being made