Cowboy cliches

Jan 28, 2006 23:47

So, I gave up on in entry I started now almost two weeks ago and am starting a'new.

How's everyone doing? Why the fuck do I always start blog entries with that? Do you actually expect that I think you all stop reading and say "I'm doing well, Lauren. How about yourself?". I'm not quite that dumb, assholes. I'm alright though, thanks for asking.

And why don't my entry titles ever all into the realm of anything having to do with anything I have for might ever mention? It's usually some sort of song lyric, usualy not from something I'm listening to, that would make too much sence. Not to mention the fact that I don't want to explain half the music I listen to. Sometimes there not even song lyrics, sometimes I just arbitraily chose words that rhyme.

I have more paragraphs per entry than anyone I know. Seriously. I don't even think about it. I have some sort of freaky organization thing. I'm pretty sure this isn't healthy.

New paragraph. I'm on five now and have yet to release any sort of might be interesting information. I failed math. Yep, there it is. I have offically failed a semester of Alegbra 2. Sometimes I think I'm overreating. I try not to talk about it, people think I'm overreacting. I mean really, I've got a lot going for me. I'm a half a credit ahead, so I could have done nothing and skill graduated. I'm healthy, I've got a good family, I'm still on the freakin' honor roll and I've got great hair. On the other hand, I can't ignore the deep reaching feelings of disappointment and general shame I have everything I catch sight of myself in a mirror. I'm trying to stop hating myself, it's unattractive. Life's a series of highs and lows, I guess you're either going up or you're going down. I've felt like been sliding downward for awhile now. There's a certian amouth of catharsis associated with hitting the bottom. There's no where to go from here but, well, you know.

I took the SAT agian yesterday, as if I hadden't been feeling dumb enough lately. Hah. Oh man. I need 30 something points to get the 75% Bright Futures, which is pathetic in it's self, but I deffinately did not hit that mark with this one. My essay was shit too, I kind of wish I wouldn't have gotten an 11 last time. Now when I'm depressed about getting a 230, everyone will ask me about my essay think it will boost my spirits because it's something I usually do well on and I'll have to tell them I got a 4. Deffinately didn't get any higher than an 8. Which still isn't that bad, especially because it doesn't count at all for anything, but I'm in a mood tonight.
SAT: 2
Lauren: 0

I had more to say, but I think I'll save it for another day. Sonia I loved seeing your pretty face, and Kiri too, from inside the box.

Peace be with you.
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