Jan 10, 2006 18:22
I'm copy/pasted and entry that I wrote on Xanga here because I'm way too tired to write an orginal and I think I've covered most of the basis. If you've read my Xanga, it's just a repeat, but if not, I wrote this especially for you.
Super Tuesday has come and gone. Well, not technically, there's actually almost another five hours left, but you catch my drift. I had APES and Algebra exams today. So, I suppose I'll just come out and say it, I'm failing math. Like, really. How? How, you may ask, is someone as smart and pretty and cool as me failing a class? Failing Algebra II their senior year? Are you retarted? No, that won't be diagnosed for another ten years, however, I am dyslexic. Coupled with that, I am also extreamly lazy. I mean, there's lazy, and then there's my motivation to come near a math text book. Aformentioned disablities added to a few weeks of emotional instability left me with an F that would take an 80% on the exam to pull to a D. For someone who can't distinguious a number 5 from a number 11, it would be quite a feat. Luckily for me, my beautiful, magnificant, genius friends rallied around me. Math help intially from Patty, then Jenni came over and put her two cents in. Patrick tried agian the next day, then Nick gave it a go but couldn't dumb himself down enough to put things into terms that I could understand. Rachel rocked completeing the square, Devin gave me some last miniute factoring advice and of course, my head cheerleaders Caraline and Sonia. And then, I did something I've never done before. I sat down and studied. I looked over notes, I did some practise problems, I corrected old tests. For someone that's barely cracked open a text book in the last 12 years, I was pretty proud of myself. And then, it was time for the test. Meh.. I mean, I did the best I could, and it's out of my hands now and into the cold mechanized scanner of the Scantron machine (has anyone actually ever seen one of these? they facinate me). And, for the first time quite possiably ever, I can't say I didn't try. If I fail, then I failed. But at least then I can write my "Life's done my wrong now I'm going to do you wrong" rock opus. There's an upside to most things, I think.
Actually, I think I should eleborate on this and to why I'm so calm, it's not nearly as bleak as it sounds. You see, I'm actually a half a credit ahead. I don't actually have to do anything and I'll still graduate. However, for Bright Futures purposes in the case of failing I would most likely end up going to pregnet drug dealer school. But you may be thinking, well, a D isn't that great either, sunshine. Here's the beauty of all this, I could get a D this semester, a D next semester and owing that I don't completely bomb anyother classes, my Bright Future's GPA would still be a 3.3 qualifying me for the 75% tuition assistance that my somewhat laughable attempt at the SAT scores would dictate. Rad, huh? I think there's a moral to this story, kiddies. Study hard, do your homework, take extra classes, then when you're a senior and you're a lazy peice of shit, you can fail an entire semester and still be on track for graduation. And don't eat acorns, they don't taste very good and they'll make you hallucinate.
Had APES this morning. It wasn't nearly has hard as I was expecting, but then I got a C on it. Riddle me that. English was on Monday. I fell asleep for about five miniutes and woke up face down in Beowulf with four anwsers bubbled in the same blank and a big line drawn across my paper. A little later, Chad got sent out of the room for snoring. Tomorrow I have Owen's and Goverment. I'm not really studing today. I mean, I not sure how exactly one might prepare for Scruples, but I'm in honors Goverment so the test probably won't won't be that hard, and if I get a 0%, then I'll get a B for the semester. I'll probably look over some stuff after Gilmore Girls.
Durring all the time I've spent in the last six days staring at trinomials and starving Ethiopians, I've had sometime to ponder some deep questions. Who am I? Where am I going? How does ink come out of pens? No, seriously. That is some fucking genius mechanics. I find mundane things to be the most interesting sometimes. Anyway, where am I going? My mom was one of those obnoxiously driven over achieving school types, and I think it's always bothered her that her children are remarkable unmotivated. The women finds a new career path for me everyweek.
"Lauren I always see you on comptuers, you like computers, I bet Colin could help you with that!"
"Lauren you've always loved animals, maybe you should go into vetrinary medicine."
"Lauren you're a people person, you could sell drugs!"
And then of course, the humdinger of them all:
"You know, every teacher I've ever talked to of yours tells me what a good writer you are"
I've always been strongly opposed to persuing journaslism, and never sure why. I thought about what I do in my free time. I knit, I play Pretty Pretty Princess, I've been known to compose rap songs about various frozen low calorie desert alternatives, I dance to Kelly Clarkson songs with my brother, and I write. Maybe this is saying something, other than I really need to find a hobby. Obviously, I'm not very self motivated. I get good grades because it's easy for me and it took the fear of god to get me to near a text book. It would be in my best interest for me to find something that comes naturally to me. I've never thought I was a very good writer though, to be quite honest I always just thought everyone I know is dumb. Drug dealing sounds a little more appealing every day.
Gilmore Girls is on soon. Good luck to everyone on their last day of exams.
(19:36:35) colin7151: how was the test
(19:36:43) princess6lauren8: eeh
(19:38:11) colin7151: aw
(19:38:20) colin7151: you can always go to beauty school