Hello! I'm taking requests, and you'll know when I'll be taking them by checking the status on my sidebar. When it's "on", that means I'll be reading over requests and doing my best to fulfill all of them. Yes, it is assumed that I have accepted your request, but I'm replying to all of them anyway, so unless I have a bit of a problem
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Prompt: Once, the world was okay, Jongwoon was with Ryeowook, Kyuhyun was with Sungmin, everything was fine and it was normal. But then everything began. As result of some unexpected events, secrets get revealed and nothing's like it once was. Jongwoon, now Yesung, is as much bound to be with Sungmin as Sungmin has to be with Yesung. But what's if Kyuhyun and Ryeowook don't want to tolerate this?
Genres: If possible, fantasy/mystery, action, angst, romance ... well; Idek. XD But I'd love if they/someone was supernatural. You know, vampires, werewolves, some superhuman abilities, I don't know what you like to write, so I don't want to give you specific specifications. (lol) And if you don't want to do fantasy-things, a "normal" fic is of course okay too ^^
Specific Rating?: No. Actually I love action & fight & love scenes, But I don't want you to write something you don't feel comfortable at.
Specifix Events?: keke. Some Action/Fight/Lovescene would be great, but doesn't have to be that much ... ^^
Spot?: Would be great, since I'm usually very lame ... T_T And it'd be my first spot eva XD~
Would you like me to message you when it's posted?: Yes, please <3
If something's not okay or something, it can be changed, I have some other ideas too that maybe could be better ... ^^ I added you as friend, I hope that's okay? ^^
I'm on my phone so I'm lazy typing but I'd really love to make this a short series! If you have more elaborate scenes you want, I'll credit you since I really needed this as a muse! I'll talk more later, just wanted to respond as fast as I could about how excited I am xD
But I'm disowning you as my friend. OAIGHEA. Hyukmin dying in Toxic. Do you know how heartbroken I was? DO YOU?
I'm skipping in circles for you liking my request XD If I just were good enough to write my own stories ... since actually I'm overflowing with such ideas. I have them in my head for like ... weeks, sometimes it'll go away, sometimes not :D
So, I'm pretty cheerful that you'll write it out ♥
Hum ... I think I don't really can say something for an elaborate scene, since I don't know what you'll write, but I'll tell if something comes to my mind? ^^
Ummm, oh right, I almost forgot. What kind of supernatural do you want most? Vampires like Twilight or the original kind, dark ones... I know what you mean by overflowing with ideas. I get that a lot, but my writings has limits.
Anyway, I already have ideas that Yesung HAS to be with Sungmin and vice versa for some kind of peace, but if you meant something else, just correct me. I don't wanna write up your request and I ended up writing it wrong. lmao
Omg, please no Twilight. I like the dark side more, if you don't mind. I'd be okay with "soft"-version too, but I swing more in the dangerous sort of things ^^
No, no, there's no wrong or right. :D I tried to leave it as open for you as possible - I want you to write it in your own - friggin' amazing ♥ - style. If I wanted it totally my way, I should probably write it for myself, but I want you to write it ^^
Somehow, it doesn't sound very good what I said. o.O
So, yeah, I really want to make it super dark, but not too scary. Kinda like those epic supernatural stories. I really want a big ass fight scene, like a battle or something lmao. I'm such a weirdo.
Okay, I'll stop bothering you XDDD! But yeah, I'm still crazy about this idea. I'm a dork ;A;
And yes, me too. I read it, it was ...I dunno. The first book was released years ago, and I read it before the whole hype started. I was 'Team Jacob' since book 2, but after book 4 he's as much a softie as Edward. ._.
And, omg, PLEASE DO! I'm totally a fan of epicness! -super excited-
Unnecessary side info: Yesterday night, I tried to write some story, but I failed. Epic fail. XD
Now, I'm gonna be a stalker and check if you've written any fics at all muahaha 8DDD /and I will love it
The whole acting thing is bad, and I don't really like the whole cast. Taylor's a cool guy, but ... not for Jake. XD
I have written, but just with some friend of mine, in my native togue and about another fandom. Soccer. Yes. Gay soccer players. Kinda ... o.ô XD
So there's nothing to stalk unless I've finished all my other paperwork and get to write my uderground-mafia-story that's been ghosting in my head too. XD
OH REALLY? That's interesting XD! There is nothing to stalk ;A; OH I CAN'T WAIT UNTIL YOU WRITE THAT THEN!!! :3
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