Must Think Positively...

Nov 04, 2004 00:28

People tell me that I must start to think positively and constructively to make myself better. Well, this journal will be dedicated to methods on ending the world. That's right, the world makes me sick along with every single living being on this worthless planet.

- Bowling ball straight to the Earth's core. The 'theorized' metal iron ball that supposedly conjures up our center core can't stand bowling balls. A bowling ball is iron's only weakness. Why do you think it hurts so much when you drop a bowling ball on your foot? Yeah, that's right dumbass it's because your iron in that relative area explodes.
- Kamehameha Beam right into the planet. My power level is well over 1 million without going Super Saiyan Level 777. That means trouble for everyone. I can blow up a mountain by spitting on it.
- Cutting the Earth in half with a piece of paper. I killed a man by cutting his head off cleanly with a single piece of paper. That should be hardcore enough to cut the world in half. Don't think so? Watch me.
- Karate chop to the ground. I could cause a world earthquakes and tsunamis with this one. Wouldn't that rule when a tsunami slams New York in the face? I bet they didn't see that one coming... Or did they?
- Let France take over the world. They're guaranteed to ruin everything. Even Christmas Parties. The bastards...
- Crash the moon into the Earth. How is this accomplished? Simple, I go out and punch the moon into the Earth. Done deal. First off, the moon sucks. With a name like moon it has to suck. I guess all the cool trendy names were taken by other bastard planets. Who gave those fucktards the right to give all the lame planets the cool names? I will put every moon-naming person on the moon as I launch it into Mexico.
- Summoning a meteor to crash into the world. Easy. Anyone can do it. Just let your mind reach out into space and think meteor. Too bad it doesn't work for other things, just meteors, but that should suffice in this case. You can also summon a huge toilet if meteors aren't your thing. Ever heard of Atlantis? Yep, toilet sank it.
- Make the world one huge survival show. Breed lots of dangerous animals that could tear our asses apart. Drop them in large quantities all about the world. People must survive without any technology. Last man standing gets a pat on a back and a claw to the jugular.
- World wide game of Russian Roulette. Think of the suspense x 6 billion. Man, I should be a Fox executive coming out with shows out my ass.
- The World vs. Mother Nature. You get to show mother nature who's boss. Don't like that thunderstorm? Show it's face off by beating it with an iron rod. That tornado get up all in your grill? Don't take that kinda heat, show it who's boss of the town with brass knuckles. Don't like the look that hurricane gave you? Kick it in the face.
- A worldwide game of clear the deck with missiles, nukes, biological weapons, and any other forms of destructive devices.
- Game of which nation can kill their people the quickest. We're always so competitive with people. Nothing shows dominance in the world like seeing how fast you can make your nation's people extinct. Stalin was such a genius, too bad he gave up because he was a panz.
- People vs. a train. See who can derail a train by running into it head first. Winners get shot. Losers get shot. Tough rules. Deal.
- Put HCl into water systems and resevoirs. It's only a practical joke.
- See who can down Drano the quickest. The ultimate shot for the hardcore of the hardcore. The asshole among assholes. The dumbass among dumbasses. Or all three.
- Get someone 'meaningful' to kill themselves. If one actor or actress kills themself and specifies great reward for doing so, others will follow because we are not humans. We are robots. We don't think. We're not supposed to. Thinking is for the birds.

Ending the world wont be so bad. Look at all the neat stuff we would get rid of in the process!
- AIDS. No one wants AIDS, right? Well, ending the world is the only positive and effective cure out there.
- Cancer. The search is over! Eliminate the possible targets you eliminate the disease.
- Osama. Wanna get rid of this man? Just get rid of everyone to make sure. It would be funny egging him on in Russian Roulette.
- Bad TV which equals 99% of TV. Gah. I hate TV. Almost a good enough reason to destroy the world alone.
- Music. Other people's music ruins it for me. So no one deserves any music. Hoorah.
- Racism. Everyone will be dead. Can't be racist then. Also, everyone will look the same be it, crushed, burnt, disentigrated, blue, or mutilated. Any race has an equal chance of getting wasted. Ending of the world excepts people from any race or nation. So kind, huh?
- Organized Sports. Just think Jimmy. You can rid yourself of it by ending yourself. You are a leader and people would follow suit, no lie.
- Children. Those annoying little people that think they own you and everything else.
- Excuses. I'm tired of excuses. I would punch every excuse in the throat if they existed in material form. And if they had necks too.
- Lies. Next person that lies to me gets my foot up their nose. I think that would be more painful than any other orifice. Plus, a foot up someone's nose would rule. So, don't want me to shove my foot up your nose do ya? Well, let's end the world to make sure it doesn't have to come to that.
- Murderers, molesters, rapists, and beaters. Tired of hearing about them? Well, let's do ourselves the favor of never chancing another one of the dick mongers gets born.
- Tired of hearing about same sex marriages? You know what must be done.
- Do railroad tracks piss you off? I know they piss me off. So let's not see them again. Tearing up every railroad track seems more time consuming than killing the world. So let's just kill the world.
- Don't like Bush? Yep, ending the world gets rid of him.
- Don't like Kerry? Same thing applies to this jerkface.
- Don't like America? First of all, get out of the damn country. Second of all, end your life and set yourself as an example to others who don't like their country. Others will follow cause they'll realize just how cool you are, even ones who love their country.
- People. Yep.
- Me. I am 1 out of 6 billion people. I have every right to be involved in this process. If I were to end the world personally I would blow myself up because I'm hardcore. If you don't have a power level of 1 million or more, you can't blow yourself up. Stop trying, dreaming, and breathing.
- Living takes too much effort.

I'm sure there are millions of other quirks that come with ending the world or just ending the human race, but I'm tired of writing. I'm tired of my face. I'm tired of your face. I'm tired of the sun. I'm tired of buildings. I'm tired of butter. I'm tired of grass. I'm tired of being tired. Explode.
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