I've thought about the whole can-girls-and-guys-just-be-friends question alot too, and to be honest - not a clue. I used to thing that guys only befriend girls because they either conciously or subconciously want to get with them (this feeling was especially strong during my bitter phase post-asshat), and have oodles of examples to back that idea up. However, I can now say that I have five guy friends who are just that - friends for the sake of friendship. There is no sexual tension at all. However, I know two of those friendships started out because I had teensy crushes on the guys, and wanted to get to know them better (but obviously grew out of the crush and ended up with a really valuable relationship). So maybe friendships with the other sex start out lustful, but then that either shrinks away to nothing or blooms? The other three friendships began as friendships, with no sight of lust between us (at least on my part, and I can say for sure that one of my guy friends had no lust for me either, because we have talked about this).
So I have three catagories: 1) Friends that went became friends because of attraction, and the attraction was maintained 2) friends that became friends because of attraction but then the attraction went away and a friendship was established, and 3) friends that began as friends, pure and simple.
So to answer your question - who the hell knows? Boys are confusing and girls aren't much easier. I know I don't look at all guys I meet as potential mates, tho if prompted I'm sure I can list which ones I might find attractive in an alternate universe :)
So I have three catagories: 1) Friends that went became friends because of attraction, and the attraction was maintained 2) friends that became friends because of attraction but then the attraction went away and a friendship was established, and 3) friends that began as friends, pure and simple.
So to answer your question - who the hell knows? Boys are confusing and girls aren't much easier. I know I don't look at all guys I meet as potential mates, tho if prompted I'm sure I can list which ones I might find attractive in an alternate universe :)
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