
Jan 19, 2005 00:02

I havent really been doing much at all

I saw racheal yesterday! gawd shes cute! and we went and got chips and

had a relax on my cool new balcony couch(refer to photo above)!
I woke up to late to go to Claire and Ellas icnic :( whihc i feel really bad about
I saw sarah last night, i went to her place and we danced to music on

this cd i made for her. hehehe. and shes in love with some ex! poor

bubby! (all my huggles go to her)

To-day i woke up at around 3, got some photos developed using my memory
sticky thing which was an adventure, aaand ate yummy satay vegies. yup,
thats all i did....

I need to go shopping tommrow, for lukies party! i need to lok tres sexy for it, so yah!

I wanna see kim sometime soon, i miss her :'( and i feeel sooooooooo
sorry for the poor thing, shes on the stupid germsn thingy. *huggles to
her to*

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. Holidays are beatiful. I havent lifted a finger all day
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