Apr 10, 2005 01:04
Well today was not too fun to say the least. I had to wake up at 6:15 to go on a field trip for school, and this is after working until 1:00 the night before, which means getting to bed around 2. Turns out I hadn't reset my watch for daylight savings, so I ended up waking up at 6:40 and barely making it there in time. The trip started at 8:30, and actually was pretty nice, except for the fact that I slept most of the time on the bus, and my dad's camera ran out of batteries so I couldn't take any pictures. Me and one of the other guys on the trip, were joking about what if our teacher grabbed a beer with his lunch, and then he walks out of the store with a beer in his hand, just finishing it up. Anyway, we decided if he was gonna get a beer with lunch then we would too, yes, we are just that crazy. Other than that we just looked at a bunch of rock formations along the coast down to Half Moon Bay, and then came back. We actually got back early, and I made it back home around 5:30, just in time to make it to work at 5:40, an hour late, and then work until 12:50 before convincing my manager that the store was clean so I could go home. So now I guess I should get to bed, I think I'm just running on fumes right now.