Life has its own lessons,yet they are subtly depicted...

Mar 29, 2010 23:01

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

March has come to its end and April is approaching soon.Alhamdulillah,I finished my English for Occupational Purpose paper.Except,I did not perform well.I knew it with all my heart.Allah did too.The only thing I can do now is PRAYING.

To be honest,I was emotionally disturbed soon I finished my paper.Of course,it was dismay.Time was the biggest constraint I have yet to overcome.

Upon my meticulous contemplation,I have grasped the subtle message.A human being with flaws,sometimes I overlook the crucial lessons.
Subhanallah,life is an endeavor for mardhatillah decorated with hardships and hurdles.It is a continuous learning process.It is inevitable.

Struggling with the devil whispers,sometimes I lost.There are voice inside seducing,alluring,and commanding for bad things.That's why sometimes I tend to look down on people and I hated myself for that.The seed of vanity is seeking its spot on my heart to grow on,it is slowly penetrating.Astaghfirullah.Please help me Ya Quddus.

I sought advise from my sister,her words just made my heart fluttered for a second.

'If you're looking down on other person,you're looking down on Allah,since He is the Creator of all human being'
Subhanallah.Seriously,it is subtle enough for me to comprehend.

And sometimes when success embrace me,I thought I deserved it for my efforts.Didnt I see,it was Allah who grant me success?
Didnt I see,it was Allah who inspired me with brillieant ideas? Didnt I see,it was Allah who give me ability to come out with good presentation?Didnt I see,it was Allah who is the GREATEST?

Astagfirullah.Ya Allah forgive this weak servant f Yours for what I have sinned.I actually do not own anything since everything belongs to Him. Why did I become so arrogant and boastfully think that I am great?The actual fact is that I am just a small piece of meat living on this planet.

Again,it is the matter of heart.and yes I am on the pursuit of sincerity and patience.The word H U M B L E is now engraved on my heart. Ya Allah, make me a humble person,Ameen.

My mom is probably on her way to Madina by now.Witnessing her departure yesterday was emotional enough for me to reminisce the good old memories.InsyaAllah, my foot will step on that precious earth.Again,someday.

Ummi,come back safe.Allah,please ease her path.

aisyah is emotionally disturbed

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