I am collecting the shattered pieces of my life and trying to gather it back..

Feb 02, 2010 12:33

Assalamualaikum w.b.t❤❤
I had an awesome outing with my best friend,Huda.We bantered,chatted,shared about lots of things.We went to bowling.I got couple of strikes.Ga-ga.We had an uncle instructing us.No wonder.I never knew there were arrows on the bowling lane,srsly I failed.Besides that,Huda told me about some problems regarding our friends,I was wondering Subhanallah, "What goes around,comes around".Seriously aite?Its like today you did something bad to other people,and tomorrow you need to pay for it.Allah is All-Knowing.Guh.All these heart diseases that marked and shadowed your heart black should be bleached away.Seriously.If only it as easy as bleaching your cloth with CLOROX.har-har.

Jealousy,Hatred,Bad Impressions on people,Proud,Arrogance,Malice
They wont do any good to ourselves.Masha Allah.In fact,they will lead us to destruction.
I remembered a line in Zabrina A.Bakar's book,Life is an Open secret-the pink one:

"Once you let jealousy controls your heart,you wont allow love to flow to other people."

I always include this in my prayer
"Ya Quddus,You are the most Pure and Holy,Please cleanse my heart from any heart diseases and sifatul-madzmumah,Ameen"

The great thing about me and Huda was we both had the same fikrah/thought.We talked about our future and tried to list out several options:
❀Get married and take care of our kids [haha,not that we have suitable candidates LOL]
❀Be a teacher,have our own tuition center
❀Work in the lab,duh

While I was sitting in the lab,doing my tissue culture project,I asked myself 'Is this you really want to do Aisyah,working in the lab all day?'.I hesitated.Grr.My commercialization class changes my perceptions on how I see my course.I know it'll be a waste on my BIOTECHNOLOGY degree If I ended up being a housewife,or that is what my friends and my dad claimed.But If I dont put all my heart doing it,how?I know I am having this brain-malfunctioning period guh.At the same time, I think I can use my knowledge in Biotechnology to benefit mankind.A good point.But,still there is a but coming.Well,everything seems insatiable huh?I am confused /scratches head/

In the meantime,I'll just make dua to Allah.Let Him decide what is the best for me.Future will always remain a secret.We never knew what future holds for us.Still,we can plan to keep us on track.The rest,let Allah decides.

I just developed my fondness for reading :D Its addicting seriously.Gosh,I never realized how much reading can benefit me.VAIN.Atm, I am reading SHADOWLAND.These immortal series are getting complicated yet I need to finish reading them since I have started with Evermore.Curiosity grows.And I cannot start on my academic proposal writing before I finished SHADOWLAND.Another freaking 100 pages!!OMIGAD,I just checked,No way Dark Flame's cover is released.Eeee.Excited.WHAT?The summary??NOOOO!I thought it might be the end of the series.I guess I am wrong.Ok,Anyway I have too many books to read [because I keep buying LOL], I think I'll try to finish by the end of this year har-har.
Okie,thats it.I am gonna update my scrapbook.Baibai =D

I LOVE MAHIR ZAIN'S Always be there to death XD

aisyah talks pointless

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