Title: Completely Accurate
Disclaimer: The chibi's belong to not me. Rose and Ten are Rusty's.
Rated: PG
Summary: The Doctor and Rose find out that the Chibis are very, very accurate miniatures.
A/N: I guess this is a crossover of with "Once Upon a Moonlight." Hope you don't mind!
Under the cut:
Rose's scream interrupted the Doctor from the scans he'd been doing a the console. He blinked, and looked down at Rose's Chibi counterpart, who was napping on the jump seat, covered up by The chibi Doctor's coat.
He sighed and bounded down the corridor. "Rose?!"
He rushed into the kitchen to find Rose standing on a chair with a frying pan in her hands.
"What in the name of Rassilon are you doing up there?"
Rose's bottom lip quivered. "The...Your...Your Chibi, right?"
"He what?"
Rose opened her mouth to reply, but was cut off by a sound that was somewhere between a growl and a meep.
The Doctor lifted an eyebrow and walked to where the sound had come from, the cupboard. He slowly opened it up, and was met with the sight of his miniature counterpart, transformed into a werewolf. He blinked, curiously. "Hm. I guess they really are completely accurate miniature representations."
Rose glared.
"Oh, come on, he's cute!" The Doctor pulled his chibi double from the cupboard and was licked for his trouble. He grinned geekily. "See? Completely accurate!"