Mar 28, 2008 08:06
Uh, hello? People of the Wide Wide World of Web? I don't know where I am. I found this computer and watched the fish swim around for a while, but then I bumped it and they went away. Since I've got experience with these things, I don't think it's broken, so nobody panic. ...I hope I didn't break it. If it's somebody else's computer, I'm sorry. But where did Camden go? Last I remember, I got run over with a car, but now I don't got any run-over-with-a-car feelings or marks on my body where I've had the chance to check. (Felt kinda weird taking my shirt or pants off in a strange place but my arms, head, and feet look okay!) Not that I'm complaining. But if somebody could tell me what happened, that'd be swell. It's not that this place isn't great or anything, but my brother's probably worried about me. I kinda need to get home.
...And probably apologize.
Looks to me like if this place has cars, I probably don't wanna get hit with one, so it's kind of a time issue.