Apr 01, 1997 08:03
Not fifteen minutes ago, I was in the kitchen making something for breakfast. After putting the jam back into the refrigerator, I'd turned around in time to witness my Mum standing at the foot of the staircase, screaming. Something was thunking down the stairs with reckless abandon, and from the rather dodgy dub-over, I gathered it was meant to be believed that thing was Gran.
Mum's always been horrid at taking April Fool's pranks. She's never off and fainted before, though.
Waiting on a phone-call, then I suppose I'll be out most of the day. I've been trying to get a hold of a couple people from Hogwarts over the weekend, but everybody's busy, turns out.
Besides the incident this morning, it's been all right here. A couple friends of the family stopped by yesterday, and we made a day of it. How my Mum and Dad managed to meet the interesting, totally bizarre people they did, and how my Mum managed to keep in touch with them I'll probably never know. Other than that, Gran hosted one of her poker tournaments here last night, later on, for a group of old friends. It now reeks of cigar smoke throughout most of the house. And, actually, one of Gran's friends (Roger?) has come back this morning to take her out for a stroll. He seemed a bit put off by Mum's enthusiasm for the idea, but he must not have cared all too much, since I can hear them leaving now.
I can also hear the telephone! Hope everyone is having a good time.