sorry i must have forgotten to sign in through all the laughing. Please do not use the term retard as it refers to smebody with a disability which isn't very nice and very dicriminating and i do not wish to disclose but as a person who can look on the other side of this argument from you ""Normal""" (i would hardly call you all normal)people i can tell you it is NOT nice to be called a retard as there is nothign wrong with somebody with a disability, it merely prevents them from leading a life so many others do but it can also give them amazing abilities to do other things that others cannot. Therefore, (after re-writing this comment as i did not wish to tell you why i can speak of the other argument)in my opinion, i think you should go into MVC and get that little book of insults, and myabe come up with something a little better and somethign that will NOT get you into trouble if i take this to the head when i come back with my hopital results. He's not all to kind to bullying *smile sweetly* ttfn fuckwits.
Heh............. Randomness and at 1.47 am :O Wow.
1:47?! are you insane? Wait... dont bother answering that =p
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