OOC Information;
Name; Alphie
Personal Journal;
fuckingbeesContact; AIM: imeffinshiny, MSN: russianvitalregions@live.com, Plurk: AlphieCentauri
Other Characters; Ryoji Mochizuki
exiledarcana IC Information;
Character Name; Jake English
Canon Point; Right before Brobunny rescued him from Goatdad
House; Heimdall
Power; Damage Drain
Personality; Jake English is the embodiment of a kid with too much free time, a copious supply of firearms, and a private island all to himself. Because of this, Jake has been alone for much of his life, and is generally not well socialized. So, in turn, he has had to seek out friendships through the internet instead. Because he's only had friends through the internet, Jake is rather awkward, and probably would be very strange around his friends, if he ever met them in person. After all, the only actual exposure he's had to living creatures, has been through the animals on his island. But since Jake is so unaccustomed to social interaction with anyone, he's actually a very odd person in regards to conversation. He shows that he can be very easily embarrassed by some conversations, either by things his friends say, or things he says, since it doesn't always strike him immediately that he might have said something that could be considered vaguely humiliating. But since Jake is not used to normal conversation, he appears to be easily excitable or frustrated.
Jake has shown this, mostly in his conversations with his friends. Among the three of them, he shows that he is probably the most comfortable speaking to Jane (although, he does misinterpret a few things that she says). His lack of socialization is rather noticeable in the way he speaks over the Instant Messaging clients of the series, since the manner of which he speaks, appears to be somewhat dated. This could be due to his lack of interacting within his age group. But Jake commonly uses terms like "Egad" or "Dickens", similar to that of a figure from the early 20th century. But he does show to be striving to still blend in with his generation in his conversations, managing to use more modern vernacular, along with his own speaking quirks. His friends seem to be aware that Jake isn't the most socially normal of teenagers, and Jane even points out to Jake, saying that he is a "very strange and silly boy." To which, Jake seems to be entirely okay with. Moreso, he seems to be very easily flustered in conversations with his friends, when matters of personal relationships come up. Even though he seems to be most comfortable speaking to Jane, more than once in a conversation, has he used roleplaying bubbles to indicate that he's somewhat surprised by her comments, and his responses were either him "tugging at his collar" or "fumbling for a handkerchief to clear up his glasses". Both instances were preceded by comments that were seemingly innocent, and Jake misinterpreted them as being almost flirtatious gestures.
Speaking of his friends, it's rather clear that he values them, and their opinions. He's open to hearing from them, and hearing about their ideas, whether or not the ideas might be silly. He's receptive to any of the concepts that might be brought up to him by them, and doesn't brush off the things his friends say as jokes. When R??? Lalonde told him about her theories on the Batterwitch trying to manipulate the four Alpha kids into participating in her evil plot, Jake didn't react in a way that would have pushed his friend away, in fact, he was actually very responsive to it, stating that he believed her. He seems to want to keep his friends close, so he does what he can to keep them close and not upset them. More often than not, he begins his conversations with friends, apologizing for bothering them. He doesn't seem to want to bother his friends, had they been doing something, and not come across as needy and troublesome to his friends. It's also rather obvious that he doesn't like to bother his friends for help, in his conversation with D??? Strider and his Auto-Responder, as he constantly beats around the bush in trying to ask for more uranium. Jake's also shown that with his friends, if they start to irritate him, he starts to drop his dated vernacular, and starts to sound like a normal teenager. He isn't afraid to tell off his friends if they upset him, but he's still kind and almost playful as he gets upset, and if he gets pushed around by anyone he gets progressively more and more frustrated with them.
As for Jake's life, his seclusion seems to have made him somewhat numb to the idea of there being horrific monsters living on his island that could kill him. He's become rather used to going outside into dark, and dismal forests, and fighting off the various beasts that come his way. He's become somewhat used to their existence by the idea of going out into his island, and he doesn't show to be very affected by being put into danger. Also, his seclusion on the island is what brought him to being so socially awkward when it come to conversing with his friends. Instead of human beings while he was growing up, Jake was exposed to giant crabs, bull fairies, mergoats and centaurs. The lack of genuine human interaction replaced with "lusus" interaction, desensitized him somewhat to events that would probably lead to regular people being put on edge. He finds this to be normal.
However, even with his constant seclusion on the island and lack of exposure to human life, he shows to be very open minded about the rest of the world. This could be because of all the stories of his grandmother, and his correspondence with Jade. Through meeting her, he's surely learned to be accepting of all sorts of strange occurrences, such as paradox time travel, and transportalizing objects. He doesn't question all that much, and like he demonstrates with his friends, as being understanding of all of their ideas and stories, he expresses this as well in daily life, when it comes to the regular happenings of his day to day activities. Then again, it could also just be that he's absolutely oblivious and naive to what the world off his island is like.
Even though Jake seems to be very close with his friends, Jake also seems to be a very silly young man. Jane even has pointed this out him. Jake is quite often willing to make nonsensical declarations in conversation, and seems to be easily impressed and surprised by a number of things. He's somewhat playful, in that from time to time, he pushes the idea of him being a daring, adventurous young man in regards to social situations, when he's really rather different. He likes to think he's some cool kid, but he's a bit too silly and dorky to be taken seriously as a cool kid.
But Jake does convey, what he thinks, makes him a very cool person. But actually, they're still all very silly things. Some can be considered cool interests and hobbies, but most are just silly. Jake happens to be a fan of movies and comic books (however, he stands by his belief that comics do NOT make him a nerd). All movies, and there really has never been a movie that Jake hasn't liked. However, his favorite of all movies happen to be those with women of a blue complexion. After all, they are the most attractive women, in Jake's mind. Sure, movies are a normal interest, blue women--sure, everyone has their fetish. But there's more. Jake also has an obsession with skulls, thinking that there's a good one at the heart of any adventure. He has collections of them, and he can't really say what it is about them, but he certainly loves them. More than his love of movies and his love of skulls--Jake loves guns. He's got piles of them littering his room and his house in general, and he swears by them, even using two pistols in his strife deck.
Network Sample;
[The video starts up and Jake seems to be trying to focus the camera on him at just the right angle so that his face is visible. He seems rather cheerful, despite having woken up in a strange place.]
I say, would any chap out there be ever so kind to tell me if this is Heaven? I fear that I may have actually bitten the big one on my recent excursion out into the wilderness!
[He laughs somewhat warmly, before adding to his commentary.]
You see, I was being chased down by this nasty mergoat of all things, and these blasted things are absolutely relentless once they begin their pursuit! It was fucking dreadful, you see! I fear it actually may have bested me on my own terrain and gobbled me up for breakfast. Would anyone be able to confirm if my damn suspicions are true? Frankly, if this is Heaven, I must say it's rather drab! It could use a nice bit of sprucing up! Maybe a nice poster of Neytiri on that wall, and goodness yes! Another Weekend at Bernies poster would always look smashing in here! If this is heaven, may I please have a sampling of posters for this room?
[A pause and he frowns.]
Oh lord, I do hope I didn't wind up going in the opposite direction! Please, I'm quite sorry if I'm intruding on any of you kind chums out there, but this is heaven, yes?
Log Sample;
Needless to say, Jake was cautious as he left his room. He maneuvered around corners, one of his pistols in his hands as he rounded each one. If this wasn't heaven, and this wasn't hell, he needed to be on his guard. He checked the gun to make sure that he had ammo in it, and thankfully he had plenty more captchalogued. He was set for now, but like hell Jake was going to take any chances as he made his way out of the building. It wasn't exactly the most difficult of journeys, but it was one he still had to make in order to see if there was civilization present. A small spark inside of him flickered to life, causing the boy to smile a little bit as he held his pistol out as he turned the next corner, in preparation for any unwanted guests. Whether he was dead or not, he was actually enjoying himself right now. It was like he was some sort of spy on a daring mission to infiltrate a city of strange individuals of whom he'd never met before! He had to share a private chuckle with himself. He felt like he was in one of his movies, and all the cameras were rolling on him as he, the hero of this story, sneaked through the building in order to find his way out without being caught. Jake stepped lightly as he descended a flight of stairs, back to the wall, with his pistol pointed upwards to the ceiling as he traversed the narrow passage. Here, he--the hero--would need to pause, listening carefully to the sounds of the buildings and for any other sources of life that might be heard on the floor above or below him. Oh, it was indeed exciting for him as he crept down another few stairs. Jokingly, Jake called out "Who goes there!" just for his own amusement, before he continued to play the role of super sleuth.
He had to make a game of this somehow; had to amuse himself as he tried to go outside. Surely, he could have just easily walked straight out of his room, and down the stairs, and outside. But there was no fun in that, and there was still the matter of risk involved. Jake was utterly oblivious to the idea of what was lying in wait throughout this building. Truth be told, he was actually a little bit scared. The longer he took, wandering through this building, the more he thought that maybe he really was dead. It was a scary thought. But then again, Jake fancied himself a bit of a Peter Pan type, thinking that dying itself could be a great adventure as well.