POI fic - Addam's family crossover #10: Shaw

Dec 29, 2014 00:58

TITLE: POI fic - Addams family xover #10: Shaw
AUTHOR: whomii2
DISCLAIMER: do not own

Call her suspicious by nature, but recent events had made Shaw even more paranoid than usual. She was unwilling to take John at his word as to the good intentions of Finch, the man who had created the Machine.

So she skulked and snooped around the library, but was unable to find anything about the man's true history. Only a series of false identities. When she learned that Finch would be heading home to check up on things she thought this would be the perfect chance to find out about his past.

She was surprised when she followed him to a large old house with a worn out appearance and an extensive but rather overgrown lawn. She hadn't thought that he had spotted her following him, but decided on a little reconnaiscance just in case she was being lured into an ambush.

She could vaguely hear the sounds of conversation drifting out the open window after Finch entered the house. Her momentary distraction as she tried to make out the words was her downfall, as the next thing she knew a snare had tightened around her ankle and she found herself being dragged through the dirt and weeds to end up suspended from a tree. She took out her knife and bent up to start sawing away at the stout rope when she heard a rustling in the grass. Looking down she found herself the object of scrutiny of two young children. The pudgy boy in the striped shirt smiled at her shyly. In contrast the goth-looking girl with pigtails gave Shaw an unfriendly stare. She scowled even more when she caught sight of the knife in Shaw's hand, muttering “I knew we should have used the bear traps.”

Having been caught more or less red handed, Shaw finished releasing herself and then marched into the house with the children to fess up to Harold.

Finch didn't seem all that surprised to see her there. He merely gave an exasperated sigh before fussing over her to make sure she was OK and then inviting her to join them for tea. As punishment for her rude intrusion, Harold insisted that afterwards she entertain the children so that he could enjoy a little chess with their tutor.

Shaw found play time to be a rather eye-opening experience. Who knew babysitting could be so much fun!

fic, crossover, poi-addams family, poi au, person of interest

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