TITLE: POI James Bond crossover fusion 3
AUTHOR: whomii2
DISCLAIMER: do not own
H hated when Reese’s missions sent him to locations where surveillance devices and high tech were sparse. Not only because Reese took great glee in going off grid during slow periods in a sort of international hide-and-seek, but also for those occasions where he was injured or captured and H would be frantically trying to determine his condition with minimal resources to call on.
So when H learned the details of Reese’s latest mission he put his new plan in motion. He was innocently typing away at his computer and nibbling on a muffin when Reese stopped by to get his equipment for the mission. He studiously ignored Reese while he continued his coding, and as expected Reese got bored and filched a muffin from his box. Finishing his typing with a flourish, he took out Reese’s supplies and began to go over their uses. He hid his triumphant glee as Reese sauntered off with his equipment, still innocently munching away on the stolen muffin.
Even if the radiofrequency device disguised as a chocolate chip became inoperable, the radioactive dust (tested for safety on a few unsuspecting minions) in the muffin would ensure that Harold could at least pinpoint Reese’s location via satellite.