rewards on dog tagsraindancingdogOctober 5 2012, 17:00:37 UTC
first- finch get kipling microchipped under your most common alias. second get a tag with the VETs number and $100reward on that tag, enough to get attention from a good samatarian or a casual passer by. 10K though will bring out "dog nappers" low life scum that will hold you up formore ransom. When my most handsome, beloved prince of north columbus took himself for a walk one morning (before i knew he could open the sliding screen door), a neighbor found him, called the vet. Bless forever my vet, she sent one of hr techs to pick up Alex. I gave the man $100, truly I would have given a million, but no sense advertising that fact. I can totally understand and share Finchs' panic. Now about the soon to be tummy ache and runs...peptobismol in small doses and one tablespoon of warm water every hour till the runs and or vomiting stop. (dog parents unite!)
Comments 5
totally Finch
And if necessary he can always retask some spy satellites to look for his doggie
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