Lj Idol Topic Two: Three Little Words

Oct 28, 2011 11:35

It started like any other love story...

Small town girl meets big city boy.
Talk, talk, talk. Spend time together. Talk some more.
Fall in love, go get married, have some kids.

Ten years of marriage pass and they talk in short hand now:
Homework is done? Put away laundry! Do the dishes. Bills, bills, bills.
Feed the cats, dinner with parents, how was work?

Notably absent from their conversations are words of days gone past:
I appreciate you, I adore you, I want you, you remember when?

Privately she thinks things like
Who are you? Who am I? I'm so lost, please save me.

Till one day she says them out loud along with three little words:
I'm leaving you.

They part ways, he looks back, she does not. Time for change.

lj idol topic two, fiction

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