I know this will be temporary, I know this will be but I've had enough...

May 22, 2006 22:22

I listened to that song on repeat tonite on my way home from Whitt's party. I like it. Some of the passionate parts make me think about things I'm going through.. but the song certainly doesn't apply to me.


I'm leaving for Houston tomorrow night, really Wednesday morning around 2:00 am. It should be fun... just me and the brother road trippin' to see some family.

Which reminds me, I'm reading this book by Donald Miller called "Through Painted Deserts" and its good. He is so poetic. Everything he talks about paints a picture in your mind of what he is describing. It's beautiful. 
He is on a road trip with his friend Paul. I want to go on a road trip. With no job, no boyrfriend, nothing waiting for me at the beginning or at the end of my trip. No attatchments... just go. I want to just be able to drive around the country with no time limit and no worries. I am going to do it some day. In a Volkswagon van... I've always wanted one anyway.

I hate the fast pace of life. When we went to Colorado on vacation a few months ago, the people there were in no rush. Life is meant to be enjoyed, sure there are urgencies, but God has given us something beautiful and to not explore the scenic, I think we are missing out. Creation is a small display of our Maker's magnificence, and I would hate to miss out on it because I'm too busy trying to keep up with society.


I have this Eutopian theory. I'm not sure how much of a theory it is, but it's an idea. 
If we, as a society, had no idea of money. If everyone had a job to do and did it because it was his job and not to be paid. The whole Biblical concept of "If you don't work, you don't eat" came into play. If everyone did what they were skilled at.

I was listening to the radio this morning. It is going to cost over 3 billion dollars to rebuild the levys. Why? So people can get paid. If the concrete makers would make the concrete, and whatever else is involved in levy making... if the people who are skilled in those things would just do it, it would cost nothing. We live in a greedy, money grubbing society. We live in a world that thinks that your status is more important than your character. Our society, myself included (sometimes), is mainly made up of lazy people who want everything in life handed to them on a silver platter. People who think their work is worthy of big money.

If we work, we eat. We don't need designer clothes, we don't need fancy cars. Gas shouldn't cost money, food shouldn't cost money. This all makes perfect sense in my mind. If money never existed and we just worked the land for what we needed, all would be well. This world is not ours, yet constantly we are selling it for money. IT IS NOT OURS! We make a profit off of things that do not even belong to us, and then we take that profit and do not give it back to God ( I suck at tithing...dang it).

No one should ever be worried about money. No one should ever be worried about being able to provide for their family. If you work, you eat. If you don't work, you don't eat. That'll fix some lazy-ace people real quick.

random babble. I do appologize.


Does any of that make sense to anyone but me? If not, please let me explain.. it's a terrific theory. If God decided to start over, I would suggest that plan.
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