Sherlock/Doctor Who fic: Patience Was Never His Strong Suit, Ch. 4

May 13, 2012 09:16

Title: Patience Was Never His Strong Suit
Fandom: Sherlock/Doctor Who
Rating: PG
Spoilers: Assumes knowledge of the most current seasons of both shows.
Sherlock Characters: Sherlock, Mycroft, John, Lestrade, and the Yarders
Doctor Who Characters: Ian/Barbara, Eleven, Amy/Rory
Summary: “As we learn about each other, so we learn about ourselves.”
Disclaimer: I own neither Sherlock nor Doctor Who; all rights belong to their respective owners.
Thank you to my wonderful Betas, susako and infinityuphigh, for all their help. All remaining mistakes and inconsistencies are my own.

Chapter 1: Laying the Foundation
Chapter 2: Finding One's Place
Chapter 3: Dealing with Loss

Chapter 4: Setting Priorities

character: amy pond, - fanfic, character: the yarders, character: greg lestrade, #rating - pg, + author/artist: sudipal, character: the doctor (eleventh), character: barbara wright, character: mycroft holmes, character: john watson, character: ian chesterton, pairing: rory/amy, character: sherlock holmes, pairing: ian/barbara, character: rory williams

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