
Dec 19, 2007 16:54

I went over to UNH last week and signed up for classes for next semester. Most of my music classes, and Italian as well, have to wait until next September, since they all are in two parts that start in the fall. The guy also said that a double major in English is sometimes hard to combine with music performance, but that it's possible, so hopefully it'll work out. The good news is considering my AP credits plus the credits I'll have from next semester, I'll still have sophomore standing by next fall. Which means yay! So here's what I'm taking...

Fundamental keyboard - umm, not sure why I have to take this, since I'm a PIANO major, but apparently it's required for all performance majors? Grr.
Individual and Society in the Ancient World - a Classics seminar course for my honors program requirement (and a gen ed as well). This one looks really interesting actually, it's about how an individual reacts to the pressures of society, etc - based on ancient times (like peer pressure in ancient Greeks and Romans?)
Art History - I'm really excited to take an art class, although I wish I was taking something like drawing or ceramics (something that actually involved MAKING art) instead, but those classes were all filled up.
Introduction to Modern Astronomy - I have a physical science requirement so that's what this is for. The description had the word "astrophysics" in it. Eeshk! It sounds kinda fun though, I get to have a lab once a week in the observatory.
Literary Analysis - For my English degree eventually, the title is pretty self-explanatory I think.

I was looking for the course descriptions and there are still SO MANY classes that seem interesting to me - suddenly I've gone from not going to college at all to wishing I had more than just four years to take all the classes I want. I'm still nervous about college itself, but I'm excited to be in a classroom again, to feel like I am learning and doing something. Some people hate that - I adore it. I just needed a little break for awhile.

I made these cookies yesterday night while dancing around the kitchen to Christmas music. They are yummy and pepperminty and it is beginning to feel very Christmassy around here! I can't believe there are only five more days until Christmas. Time goes by so fast sometimes, it scares me.

things i am looking forward to: having five straight days off after friday. baking gingerbread cookies. christmas day, of course. buying an ipod with my christmas money. cuddling in front of the christmas tree. opening presents. watching people open presents. eating lots of food. going snowshoeing with neal soon. playing christmas music on piano. going to the christmas concert at my high school. seeing my friends who are back from college.

also, i got a haircut today. pictures later maybe!

christmas, cookies, rambling, college

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