(no subject)

Mar 21, 2010 13:02

i haven't gotten quite as much done this week as i would have liked to, but that's fairly normal - i'm constantly making extravagant plans i can't keep up with. it's okay though. i like making plans.

the snow has all melted now and the weather here has been beautiful...when summer comes and it's insanely hot, i'm going to wish the winter lasted longer, but for now it's perfect perfect perfect. i just want to go for walks downtown in swirly skirts and keep all the windows open while i read books and paint pictures. and no more homework!

my recital is a week from today. and after playing the same pieces for however many months, i'm starting to get sick of them...but i think i'm ready. my anxiety has gotten quite a bit better this semester and i'm aiming at being more excited than nervous. i just have to keep telling myself i'm prepared enough. i'm ready i'm ready i'm ready. i just want it to be about the music, not my nerves.

photography, words, music

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